Depression – 5 Secrets Of The Invisible Disease – Step To Health

People suffering from depression do not want to be forever sad and melancholy. They are the ones most willing to get out of this terrible trap. However, it often turns out to be impossible without the help of others.
Depression - 5 secrets of an invisible disease

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses today. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), over 350 million people worldwide currently struggle with it. According to the latest forecasts, this number will increase significantly in the coming years.

It is worth realizing that children and adolescents are becoming more and more victims of depression. The consequences of this disease can be tragic – depression takes a huge toll of human lives every year , who, unable to cope with the disease, decide to take the final step in the form of suicide.

Without a doubt, speaking of depression, we face one of the most invisible diseases of all time. We could boldly put it on a par with diseases such as fibromyalgia, lupus or bipolar disorder.

Learn today with us the deepest secrets of depression, its undeniable symptoms and the best methods of treatment. Let us remember that each of us can fall victim to this terrible disease. Therefore, its knowledge and awareness of the harm it causes to our body are extremely important in diagnosis and treatment.

Depression – an invisible disease

Depression is a disease that you don’t see. Usually it is born and runs quietly, in hiding. It does not manifest itself in physical wounds, and its form is often confused with the usual and common malaise and excessive fatigue with everyday duties.

Hence, relatives usually do not notice that we fall into the net of this serious disease and are unable to help us from the very beginning. And it is in this initial moment that depression is relatively easy to combat. Unfortunately, no one sees it, often even ourselves.

Even if you go to the GP, it is very likely that they will downplay your ailments and will not correctly diagnose the disease. Unfortunately, the current primary care system does not have enough time to penetrate the depths of a patient’s mental health problems.

Another problem is antidepressants, which are not always effective. Therefore, it is not enough to go to the pharmacy and stock up on medications recommended by the pharmacist. They should be selected by a psychotherapist.

Social support is just as important as drugs. Depression is easier to combat in an atmosphere of support and understanding.

1. Depression is a disease that requires long treatment

The duration of the treatment of depression depends largely on the degree of development of the disease. Often, however, our surroundings depress us with constant statements such as: think positively, don’t worry so much about problems, don’t be so sad all the time, smile .

A woman's face

Contrary to appearances, this type of sentence does not help a depressed person. Here, empathy and understanding are what counts, not constant pressure. Sooner or later there will come a point when the sick person will be able to overcome the symptoms of the disease. However, this requires a lot of time.

  • When treating depression, our body must undergo a complex process of complete internal renewal. Therapy is a distant journey into your own soul , learning to understand and interpret your thoughts, feelings, behavior …
  • Mental well-being should improve after about three months of therapeutic therapy. However, this process may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, and physical exhaustion.

Remember that depression cannot be cured just like that. The process is long and complicated, and the patient’s condition may deteriorate at any time. Treatment takes time, patience, courage and outside support.

2. Depression and anxiety states and inner anxiety

In many cases, the correct diagnosis is made very late, because symptoms are initially misinterpreted and indicate the consequences of stress, overwork, fatigue, inner anxiety or anxiety.

Often times, people around you and even doctors tell you: “you are too stressed, rest, don’t worry so much about everything”, “take some sedative pills and you will see that it will pass soon.”

When depression is not properly diagnosed it develops in hiding from the world. Remember, however, that this disease has many different faces and it is not easy to interpret them unequivocally. However, there are a number of symptoms that should alert you and those around you.

  • Almost 65% of depressed patients experience severe anxiety attacks and constantly feel inner anxiety.
  • Many of them constantly complain of feeling unwell and are often not in a good mood or enjoy life.

If you notice similar symptoms, it is necessary to see a good doctor who will help you make a diagnosis and recommend an effective treatment therapy.

3. My depression is not the result of sadness

Man with a headache

Depressive states are generally regarded as simply sadness. However, depression is, in most cases, a much more complex condition than simply despondency. This disease can be compared to a huge ball that, rolling, collects various feelings and emotions along the way, preventing them from getting outside.

  • Helplessness, disappointment, frustration, anger, fear, fear … These are just a few of the many different emotions that destroy us destructively in the invisible prison of our own mind.
  • In the case of depression, one should also take into account an extremely important factor, which is genetic determinants. If your parents or grandparents have been depressed, your body may be susceptible to depression.
  • There is also a temporary, temporary depression. Usually, its symptoms worsen in the winter months, when the days are gray and short, or when we feel strongly lonely .

In short, depression is a disease that can have many different causes, from situational to emotional to biochemical.

4. It is not we who choose depression, but it chooses us

It is important to realize that depression is not a symptom of weakness, lack of courage or submissive character. Regardless of our state of health, both mentally and physically, we can all fall victim to depression.

Woman covering face

It is not us who decide whether we want to get sick – depression comes by itself, along with all kinds of life situations.

None of us is immune to suffering, stress or disturbances in the processes of nerve transmission. Depression can hit anyone. Indeed, many cases have been reported where the disease was purely chemical, not emotional. So no one has full control over their body and life.

5. Depression and logical thinking

Depression can take over all the senses of a sick person. It is like a giant parasite that drains energy, takes away motivation and the will to live. It makes us more and more dependent on others.

Depressed, we cease to attach importance to daily hygiene, we start eating unhealthy, we relegate our social life to the background, and often we also express loudly what we do not want to say.

  • Bad mood, irritability, perceiving the opinions of others as an attack on us, reluctance to leave the house, inability to make plans for the future … A close family is often unable to understand the behavior of a depressed person. Depression, however, wins over our mind and we simply cannot control certain behaviors.
  • It is extremely important that the closest family learns about this terrible disease and understand that it is she who speaks through the mouth of the sick person, very often against his will. So let’s be patient and a little empathetic towards the victim of depression.
  • Let us remember that sooner or later a light will appear on the horizon of this black tunnel and the disease will go away. The inner will to recover and the support of close and good specialists will undoubtedly help you fight depression quickly and effectively.

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