Defeat Sinusitis Naturally

Sinusitis can be acute or chronic. It is always accompanied by unpleasant pain. Here are some tips to fight this troublesome ailment.
Defeat sinusitis naturally

Sinusitis includes various types of inflammation of the nasal passages. It touches the top of the nose and can cause severe headaches and nasal congestion.

If you want to know how you can naturally fight troublesome  sinusitis , read on.

What is sinusitis like?

As mentioned above, sinusitis is inflammation of the nose and the pneumatic spaces in the bones of the bones near it. It can be acute or chronic. Some people struggle with it for weeks, months, or even years, as long as they don’t pay close attention to it and combat it properly.

What are the symptoms of sinusitis?

  • Headache
  • Sinus pain
  • Fever
  • Nasal discharge constantly coming out
  • Red nose
  • Tiredness
  • Bad breath
  • Feeling of a swollen face
  • Bloodshot or watery eyes
  • Sore eyes
  • Pain in the teeth, especially in the molars
  • Epistaxis
  • General discomfort and anxiety
  • Cough and cold (in case of chronic sinusitis)
  • No sense of smell (hyposmia)
  • Pain when chewing and swallowing
  • Hoarseness

There are two types of sinusitis. They are distinguished by one or more symptoms, the intensity and the time of onset.

Acute sinusitis

In most cases, sinusitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection. It occurs as a result of complications from a previous respiratory viral infection, such as common colds, flu, or a cold that is not fully healed. This type of sinusitis is the most common.

Chronic sinusitis

While it can also be caused by bacterial infections, it is often caused by inflammatory diseases such as bronchial asthma.

Seasonal allergies can lead to inflammation of the lining of the sinuses and the nose, making it difficult or even impossible to fight bacteria. Since this condition occurs several times (for example, each year or when the seasons change), it is quite common and difficult to treat or eliminate completely.

Sinus pain

Treatment of sinusitis at home

If you suffer from acute or chronic sinusitis, we encourage you to take a look at the following tips and home remedies to cure your sinus. They will also help you prevent them in the future.

Although the results are obtained much later than with drugs, it is certain that this natural approach attacks the source of the problem and prevents it from reoccurring that could contribute to the development of the disease.

Healthy diet

If you don’t pay attention to what you eat and eat too many foods rich in refined sugar (cakes, soft drinks), saturated fats (hamburgers, hot dogs), or salt (breaded and processed foods), know that sooner or later there will be it had a negative effect on your health.

When your body is poisoned with this type of food, it becomes more susceptible to allergies, developing diseases, or bacteria and germs. All of them bring not very interesting consequences in the form of infections, inflammations and diseases.

Cleansing the sinuses

Therefore, whether you currently have sinusitis, have it in the past, or just want to prevent it, you need to start with a healthier diet.

A good cleansing diet is the first step. Later, you should maintain a more balanced diet with ingredients such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and steamed or baked rather than fried foods, while avoiding eating in fast food restaurants.

Vitamin C

As practically everyone knows, vitamin C prevents disease and the appearance of viruses and bacteria, which in this case can cause inflammation or sinusitis. You should consume orange juice every morning to strengthen your immune system.

Add lemon to your salads (which can also make your juices, smoothies and infusions even more spicy). For dessert, eat mandarins, oranges or grapefruits. In this way, you will not only ensure the right dose of vitamin C, but also balance the pH level in the body.

Broccoli and carrots are also rich in vitamin C. Instead, try to avoid dairy products, processed meats, and sugars that make it harder for you to absorb this vitamin.

Neighborhood or room

Being in the wrong room or environment is a factor that makes you more susceptible to sinusitis. You should avoid the following areas:

  • Smoking areas.
  • Areas with toxic waste, such as factories.
  • Places where very strong products such as bleach are used for cleaning.
  • Areas with a high concentration of environmental pollutants, such as the city center.


Another cause of sinusitis is emotional instability. Your mood can have a big influence on how your body works. Tension, irritation, stress, fatigue, nervousness, anxiety, and depression can play against you in many ways.


In this case, they will especially increase the chances of developing sinusitis for the first time and contributing to its relapses.

Try to relax, be more calm about many things. Put aside any worries aside, go on vacation more often (or at least spend the whole day out of town every now and then). Try to sleep well, take a bath by immersion (it will also help you relax part of the nose). Also drink relaxing infusions, such as chamomile, valerian root, and linden.

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