Create Your Own Relaxing Corner At Home

Create your own relaxing corner at home

Your own relaxing corner at home is a great place to forget about all your everyday problems. By reading today’s article, you will learn a few tips that will help you create such a place quickly and cheaply.

Work, study, financial responsibilities or raising children… You deserve to take a break from it all and find a few minutes of peace to calm your mind. Therefore, having your own relaxing corner at home is the best idea to deal with such problems.

However, contrary to what you may think, you don’t need to invest a lot of effort or money in preparing it. We will prove it by giving you some ideas that you can use in your apartment or house.

How to arrange your own relaxing corner at home?

People often forget to take care of their physical and mental health. Playing sports, eating a balanced diet and avoiding bad habits are just a few of the things that help us deal with this problem.

In addition, you should also ensure that you have adequate space to rest. Reading, knitting, drinking tea in silence, or having a pleasant conversation with a loved one are all things you should not forget when you are taking care of your mental health.

Make the best use of the available space

One of the first doubts that arise when designing a relaxing corner in your home is when it comes to choosing where to place it. Fortunately, in order to create a harmonious and cozy place, we do not have many square meters.

Such places as the space under the stairs, in the attic, or in the corner of the room and in front of the window, is an ideal space that is worth using. If you only have one or two meters of free space, don’t worry.

This is all it takes to start the transformation. For example, think about the fact that many Zen decorations are made in places with little space.

If you want to create a relaxing corner in your home that is just for you, this works to your advantage as you only need a small area. If you want more people to fit in it, consider adjusting the spacing of the furniture to gain a few extra meters.

A relaxing corner under the stairs
There are places in every house that are not used. They are the perfect places to create a small oasis of peace.

Choose where you want to sit

You have already chosen a place where you will create your resting area. Now it’s time to choose what you will sit on. You have several options, but you should always remember that the place must be comfortable, versatile and provide you with the space you need when you get tired.

Consider choosing a rocking chair, pouf, sofa or chaise longue. If you’re focused on minimalism, you can use a few pillows scattered on the floor and even install a hammock.

When making your choice, remember that the item must allow you to stretch your legs, change positions, and encourage movement. After all, when you sit on the furniture of your choice, you will definitely want to let go of the tension that has accumulated throughout the stressful day.

Surround yourself with objects that make you feel calm

What makes you feel happy? Is it a small bookcase, a plant or a particular fragrance? Think carefully about it, and then try to include one or two of those things that will help you achieve a sense of harmony and relaxation.

You can add incense, globe, essential oils, music and some textures to them. At this point, you begin to personalize your relaxing corner at home. However, avoid cluttering the place.

It would be best to use a few discreet items that, even if they are not in the center of attention, will transform your corner into a place where you will want to rest for a few minutes or hours.

Bet on light or neutral colors

Colors are strongly associated with emotional states. In short, the shades you choose to decorate this new relaxation space will define your mood the moments you choose to use it. Bright or neutral colors will be a safe choice.

If you use fabrics, curtains, pillows or blankets in very dark colors, you are only making the whole place overload. Remember that this is a rather small area so everything should be in sync with each other. Make your choice based on your preferences, as long as they fall within the indicated spectrum.

Two of the most recommended colors are light blue and light green. The first one resembles the color of the sea or the sky, thanks to which it radiates a feeling of space and peace. The second, in turn, is immediately associated with nature.

Add a good rug

One of the first things you do at the end of a long day is to take your shoes off when you get home. This means that your relaxing corner at home must not be complete without a rug, preferably one with a soft and friendly texture.

If possible, make sure the rug you choose matches the other colors and décor of the area, and that it is large enough for you to stretch your legs. Make a habit of taking your shoes off when using this special area to reduce stress levels.

Choose art

You don’t need to change your place for relaxation in a museum, but it’s worth it if you put up a sculpture or painting in it.

You have two options: Choose one that evokes a feeling of freedom or choose to remain still. It all depends on your personality.

One suggestion has to do with avoiding common themes, such as a galloping horse or a beach landscape. Remember that you are looking for something that will turn your space into a unique place to deal with moments of tension.

Add a table to your relaxing corner

You should also add a coffee table, preferably small, so as not to disturb the harmony of other items. It’s a place to keep books, tea and coffee mugs, freshly cut flowers, electronic devices and even newspapers.

The coffee table will be extremely helpful because thanks to it you will not have to arrange your things on the floor or on yourself. It does not have to be new, nor does it have to have an attractive design. You can always use a linen or cotton tablecloth to emphasize the style of the corner or to blend in with its decor.

How to achieve harmony in a relaxing corner at home?

Now that you know how to create a relaxing corner at home, you should learn a few tips that you can apply when designing it. They are worth remembering because they are simple to apply and will facilitate the entire decorating process.

When creating a relaxing corner at home, reuse the things you already have

When you think about creating a relaxation corner at home, you probably assume that you have to spend a lot of money on it. However, it does not have to be that way. Moreover, to reduce your budget, you can use what you already have.

Each of us has a table, chair, bookcase or various items for decoration that we do not use. You may have put them in the storage box years ago because they no longer fit your new home decor. This is the perfect time to take them out and give them a new life.

When designing a relaxing corner in your home, always choose natural lighting

As you well know, natural lighting has more advantages than artificial lighting. We are talking not only about energy saving and environmental protection, but also about the influence on the state of eyesight, depression, stress and relaxation.

Therefore, whenever possible, use natural light to create this comfortable space. The best way to do this is to create a chill out area near a window or skylight.

Even so, you should also use artificial lighting that you can use when night falls.

Use feng shui assumptions in your relaxing corner

Whether you are a supporter of this practice, which has its roots in China or not, the emotional benefits of feng shui are strongly related to the goals you want to achieve in this relaxation space.

Therefore, you shouldn’t clutter your space with hundreds of items or use ideas that don’t match your beliefs. This philosophical system is based on achieving harmony in the space you inhabit.

Apply feng shui assumptions and you will find that they will work perfectly and help you achieve the peace you need.

A table with cacti

Always stay organized

There is no point in creating a relaxing corner in your home if it is always cluttered. Make sure you leave it in perfect condition every time you finish using it. Plus, get rid of dust and dirt to keep it clean.

Thanks to this, you will be able to avoid unpleasant moments in the future, especially if you get tired one night and cannot enjoy this place the way you should. If other family members also use it, make sure that they also follow the rule.

Choose natural textures and objects

As we explained earlier, some textures and colors that relate to nature convey a feeling of freedom, serenity and reduce stress levels. You can achieve this with plants and even stumps placed in a corner as decorative objects, as well as with some textures.

For a natural feel, use tablecloths, book spines and curtains. Some fragrances, especially citrus, further emphasize this decor.

You can experience relaxation not only in this corner

Finally, be sure to use some of the assumptions elsewhere in your home. For example, keeping the chill-out corner tidy doesn’t make much sense if the rest of your home is in a mess!

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