Corns – Get Rid Of Them In A Completely Natural Way

To get rid of the corn, we first need to soften them. If they do not disappear by themselves, we can use a pumice stone – always with caution, of course.
Corns - Get rid of them naturally

Corns can appear as a result of excessive use of footwear or when it is poorly chosen. They are unsightly, but they can also be annoying and even painful.

Regardless of whether in your case the corns have formed on the skin of the feet or hands, in today’s article we will tell you how you can get rid of them naturally.

Corns – why do they arise?

Generally speaking, corns are caused by the accumulation of keratin when a layer of dead skin cells builds up.  A thick, hardened layer of skin is then formed. This may be the case, for example, when there is long, regular friction (rubbing, pressing, etc.).

Corns usually appear on the midfoot or heels – mostly because of the footwear.

Keratinization of the epidermis is also our body’s way of protecting itself from destruction and damage – you can see that the hardest “working” areas of our skin thicken. Hence the thickening of the skin on the hands of people who use certain tools on a daily basis.

Another reason for this phenomenon is practicing sports with inadequate footwear or incorrect socks, as well as foot deformities and the wrong way of walking. It is important to be able to distinguish between corns and corns that are also common.

  • The latter are characterized by a greater thickening of the skin and clearly outline a yellowish ring around the area. They also have the form of a cone.
  • They are very painful when walking and even when touched.

Natural remedies to get rid of corn

Yes, we can go to a podiatrist to assess whether our corns indicate too much pressure on any area of ​​the body, and then remove them with a scalpel. Before we decide to do it, however, it is worth trying home methods.

Here are some of the most effective ways:

1. Aspirin and lemon

When we combine both of these ingredients, we get a paste that perfectly softens the callous epidermis, making it much easier to remove it with a pumice stone.

Tablets - aspirin for corn


  • 7 aspirin tablets
  • 1 lemon juice

A method of preparing:

  • Crush the aspirin in the mortar until powder is formed.
  • Squeeze the lemon juice and add to the powder while mixing thoroughly.
  • If you find it necessary, you can add a little water to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  • Apply a large amount of the paste on clean and dry skin, paying particular attention to the corns.
  • Wrap it in a foil bag and leave it for about 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with hot water, then gently rub with a pumice stone.

2. Onion

We will use an onion cut in half.

  • Rub the onion over the area where the skin is callused, then put on the socks.
  • Rinse your feet thoroughly the next day.
  • Repeat every evening throughout the week.

3. Chamomile infusion

The infusion prepared on the basis of chamomile flowers has soothing properties and a very pleasant smell. It turns out, however, that this herb offers us one more benefit: it helps us remove thickenings and corns and perfectly balances the pH of our skin.

When we sweat a lot from heat, exertion, or the footwear itself, we are more prone to corns. The good news is that thanks to the properties of chamomile, we can reduce sweating and hardening of the skin.


Chamomile tea is good for corn


All you need to do is prepare chamomile infusion (in bags or twigs – as you prefer) and when it reaches room temperature, pour it into a container in which we soak our feet.

4. Pumice stone

If you have a tendency to corns, we recommend that you always have pumice stone on hand, which you can easily buy at various stores.

It is a type of natural file that perfectly removes calloused skin and can be used wet and dry.

  • Before using a pumice stone, wash your feet (or hands) thoroughly with a neutral, unscented soap.
  • Then do exfoliation. Remember that your movements should be gentle and circular so as not to harm your healthy skin.
  • It’s a good idea to have a pumice stone in the bathroom and use it when bathing or showering.

5. Garlic juice

This home remedy is extremely effective in softening callous epidermis and removing corns. Once you start using it, you will forget what pumice is.

Crushed garlic


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)

A method of preparing

  • Cut the garlic in half and crush it.
  • Add the olive oil and mix until you get a smooth paste.
  • Cover the corns with this paste and then wrap them in foil or plastic.
  • Put on a sock and leave it on overnight.
  • Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water in the morning.
  • Repeat daily for a week.

6. Tomatoes

This plant has many properties that support the health of our skin. So it’s no surprise that it can also help us when confronted with the troublesome corns.

Tomatoes as a way to make corn
  • We only need one tomato that needs to be chopped and then crushed to make a paste.
  • We put the tomato on the thickened skin, and then we tie the entire area.
  • We leave it on all night and then wash it off the next morning.
  • It is recommended to use for a week.

7. Apple cider vinegar

Due to its acidic pH, apple cider vinegar not only softens calloused skin, but also has a great effect on the entire area to which it is applied.

Apple cider vinegar is similar to chamomile, helping us maintain a balanced skin pH and reducing sweating.

  • Use it before training to avoid excessive sweating and chafing calluses.

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