Clear Your Stuffy Nose In Less Than A Minute

The stuffy nose itself, however, is as bothersome as the accompanying headaches and breathing problems.
Clear the stuffy nose in less than a minute

A stuffy nose  is a bothersome condition associated with inflammation in the nasal mucosa, caused by an allergy or germs. Each of us sometimes suffers from a stuffy nose, but in extreme cases it can prevent us from functioning normally.

Often times, a  stuffy nose  is the first symptom of a cold, flu, or other respiratory infection. It can also be triggered by allergies, sudden changes in weather or air pollution.

The main causes of nasal obstruction

As already mentioned, a stuffy nose  is usually associated with a cold, flu or allergies. It is very important to know the causes of nasal obstruction. This will allow you to deal with this ailment quickly and effectively.

Stuffed nose
  • Colds: This is one of the most common causes of nasal obstruction. When you catch a cold, your nose is irritated and you start to sneeze.
  • Allergies: A stuffy nose is sometimes associated with allergies to, for example, dust, pollen, salt and pet hair . The defensive reaction of your lungs causes nasal obstruction, which reduces the absorption of allergens.
  • Consider whether you are tired of sneezing in addition to a stuffy nose – this can help you determine if it is an allergy or a cold.
  • Change in weather: A  sudden change in weather conditions can reduce your body’s immunity or activate an allergic reaction. Exposure to strong winds can also result in a stuffy nose.

Once you know the most likely causes of your nasal congestion, you can start looking for the most effective way to combat this condition.

Already a moment to share with you an incredibly simple and quick way to stuffy nose which will not take you more than a minute.

Thanks to this method, you will no longer need any medications or medical supplies and you will forget what nasal obstruction is .

How to unclog a stuffy nose?

sinus pain

Sinus pain

It is a method of dealing with pain in various parts of the body that can also be used to open the nose.

Acupressure is a method of applying pressure to the body parts with your fingers. In order for this treatment to be effective for a stuffy nose, it should be used at least 3 times a day.

  • First pressure point: the auricle. Gently massage the auricle and compress 10 times.
  • Second pressure point: the site behind the ear cartilage. Compress and relax 10 times without applying pressure directly to the cartilage.
  • 3rd pressure point: above the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows. Keep pressing this area for about a minute. This is especially important to make sure your sinuses are not inflamed or too dry.
  • Fourth pressure point: below the cheeks, right in the line of the pupils. Press and relax this part of your face. This will help you open and open your sinuses.
  • Fifth pressure point: lower nostrils. Place your fingertips under your nostrils and massage in a circular motion. Repeat 10 times.

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