Citrus For Breakfast – Learn About Its Benefits

Did you know that vitamin C and the antioxidants present in oranges are a great ally in the fight against the first signs of aging and digestive system problems? By reaching for juice every day, you can provide the body with valuable ingredients.
Citrus for breakfast - learn about its benefits

Citrus for breakfast is a great idea. Our grandmothers already taught us that in order not to get sick, one should reach for these fruits or the juice prepared from them. It turns out, however, that citrus for breakfast is not only a matter of avoiding a cold. If we include them permanently in our morning diet, we will notice other benefits.

In this article, we will tell you a bit more about why it is worth reaching for these delicious fruits in the morning.

Citrus for breakfast – benefits

There is no doubt that citrus for breakfast is a great idea. Fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes and mandarins are able to effectively strengthen the immune system due to their numerous medicinal properties.

Apart from the fact that thanks to the high content of vitamin C, they help to heal from colds faster (or even avoid it), they offer much more. This type of fruit contains a lot of valuable nutrients and medicinal properties that should be used at any time of the year.

Here are some of the benefits of consuming citrus regularly:

They take care of the condition of the skin

Due to the vitamin C content, mandarins provide medicinal and cosmetic properties. For this reason, we should not only eat them, but also use them as part of a natural skin mask.

Why? Well, such a mask perfectly tones the skin, removes impurities and soothes irritations. As for the fruit when it is consumed, it is good for blood circulation.

They help to cope with stress

This is because they contain many beneficial substances such as calcium, iron and magnesium that are effective in reducing stress. These micronutrients also have a positive effect on eyesight, improve metabolism and strengthen bones.

citrus for breakfast

Acids and mineral salts present in citrus improve the mood, so it is recommended to drink delicious orange juice in the morning. A smile guaranteed all day long!

Citrus fruits for breakfast are perfect for post-holiday depression

Lemon is effective in combating viral infections and helps you lose weight. But that’s not all. It has been proven that lemon helps to get rid of depression, apathy and improves concentration, which accompany us especially after returning from vacation.

Post-vacation depression syndrome carries with it symptoms such as restlessness, bad mood, headaches, and a general feeling of being unwell. To alleviate it, just add citrus to your daily menu, such as salads.

It is also recommended to drink lemon tea in the morning (about 30 minutes before breakfast). This will help you feel better and reduce anxiety.

They fight insomnia

To combat insomnia, use another part of the plant, namely the leaves. It turns out that the leaves of the orange tree are the perfect way to relax before going to bed. To achieve the desired results, it is recommended to drink the tea overnight.

The soothing properties of the infusion from the leaves of the orange tree will make you fall asleep quickly and rest properly.

During the day, this drink will help you reduce fever, soothe headaches and alleviate digestive problems, especially those caused by stress and nervousness.

They help eliminate toxins from the body

citrus drink and citrus for breakfast

As if that was not enough, these fruits:

  • prevent anemia,
  • lower blood cholesterol,
  • reduce high blood pressure,
  • balance blood sugar levels.

Moreover, this type of citrus has antiseptic properties. If we drink grapefruit juice on an empty stomach, we can effectively burn off the fat accumulating on the stomach.

The best option is orange juice

Citrus for breakfast is a great idea. Lemon, tangerine or grapefruit are a tasty and healthy choice. However, it cannot be denied that the most common place on our breakfast tables is orange.

Coffee or tea, milk, toast and… a glass of orange juice. Sounds familiar? It’s even better if we can squeeze it just before drinking it.

Like other citrus fruits, oranges increase bile secretion and encourage the emptying of the gallbladder. For this reason, they effectively reduce the occurrence of disorders related to the work of the biliary system: indigestion, headaches, a feeling of heaviness in the right part of the abdominal cavity and others.

Many people do not eat orange juice on an empty stomach because when drunk on an empty stomach it increases bile secretion and can cause nausea or stomach ache. However, it is worth drinking it in moderate amounts to ensure proper blood quality and maintain your dream body weight.

oranges in a box

Oranges are high in antioxidants. In combination with vitamin C and other valuable ingredients, they can effectively combat premature aging and provide relief from digestive problems, such as stomach ulcers or gastritis.

Oranges also help heal wounds and speed up postoperative processes, preventing various diseases.

Citrus for breakfast – ideas

If you add honey to delicious and healthy orange juice, you reduce the acidity of the juice and enrich your breakfast perfectly. This ingredient, full of natural sugar, is a great fuel for the body. You will have enough energy for the whole day!

A great way to make citrus for breakfast is mixed juice. You can find the recipe below.


  • 1 orange
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 1/2 apple
citrus juice

A method of preparing

  • First, peel the carrots and cut them into pieces.
  • Then squeeze the orange and lemon juice.
  • Then cut out the apple seed socket and dice the apple.
  • Place everything in a food processor and blend for a few seconds.
  • If you like, sweeten it with a little honey.
  • Drink it immediately after preparing it. If it is very thick, add a little water or a few ice cubes.

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