Chia Seed Gel – Benefits And Preparation

Chia seeds are a great supplement for athletes, they help with weight loss, and also regulate cholesterol levels and protect the heart.
Chia seed gel - benefits and preparation

Chia seed gel was probably used centuries ago. The tradition of consuming chia seeds dates back to antiquity. They are said to originate from Guatemala and Mexico and, according to historical sources, were eaten by Aztec warriors for energy.

Many of the health benefits of chia seeds have been scientifically proven, and their nutritional value allows them to be classified as “super foods”.

Despite their small size, these seeds are a rich source of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and soluble and insoluble fiber. Undoubtedly, all these ingredients are important for the body.

Due to the fact that they are so small, in contact with water, they transform into a natural gel that can be easily included in the diet. Today we want to tell you how to prepare chia seed gel , as well as the benefits of consuming it regularly.

How to prepare chia seed gel?

Chia seeds are available at grocery stores and health food stores. Due to the growing popularity, we will now get them in many places.

a bowl of chia seeds


  • 6.5 tablespoons of chia seeds (100 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)

A method of preparing

  • Put the chia seeds in a blender, pour in the water, and then blend for a few minutes until you get a smooth solution.
  • Wait a few minutes, blend or mix again, then let it rest for 10-15 minutes for a “jelly” to form.
  • Once you have the gel, add half of the product you receive to your chosen food and leave the other half for another occasion.

How to eat?

You can refrigerate this product for up to 2 weeks without losing its gelatinous consistency.

Chia seed gel can be used as an additive to:

  • hot and cold cereal
  • tomato sauces
  • mustard
  • salads
  • sausages
  • jams and jellies
  • yoghurt
  • pastries and breads

Chia seed gel – what are its benefits for our body?

Chia seeds are a source of energy, many nutrients and water, which have many benefits for the body and overall health.


Regular consumption of chia seed gel helps your body stay hydrated by combining water with minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron.

chia seed gel in a jar

This product is especially recommended for athletes, as it replenishes minerals lost during physical activity.

Supports digestion

Eating both soluble and insoluble fiber is a great way to combat digestive problems and acidification caused by spicy eating.

The ingredients contained in the chia seed gel regulate intestinal functions and help maintain an appropriate pH level, which prevents the formation of toxins and constipation.

Chia seed gel regulates cholesterol levels

Soluble fiber helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and also prevents obstruction of the vascular system.

blood cholesterol

In addition, chia seeds contain essential fatty acids that cleanse the veins and prevent lipid oxidation.

Controls blood sugar levels

The nutrients in chia seeds not only prolong satiety but also help slow down the conversion of carbohydrates to simple sugars in the digestive system.

When you add them to your diet, you’ll regulate your glucose levels and prevent sudden spikes and drops in sugar.

Increases energy

The exogenous fatty acids, proteins and antioxidants contained in chia seeds increase mental and physical performance.

running man and woman

They are an invaluable addition to the diet of people who exercise or are involved in strenuous activities.

Chia seed gel has a positive effect on the mind

Chia seeds contain a large amount of tryptophan – an amino acid that is associated with the secretion of serotonin in the brain and improves mood.

By consuming chia seed gel, the production of this neurotransmitter is stimulated, which helps in situations of stress and tension.

It helps you lose weight

Chia seed gel helps you lose weight by restricting the consumption of more calories than needed. This jelly-like substance spreads through the stomach and thus suppresses the appetite for longer periods of time.

climbing the weight

Additionally, the contained nutrients and other active compounds improve the functioning of the digestive system and metabolism.

Have you already included this supplement in your diet? We strongly encourage you to prepare chia seed gel and consume it regularly to see how many benefits it brings to your body.

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