Bodyweight Exercises – The Best Options

Bodyweight exercises are a very attractive option for those who don’t like going to the gym or simply don’t have time for it.
Bodyweight exercises - the best options

The days of weightlifting in the gym are over and today we want to present you amazing  exercises with the weight of your own body. In this article, you’ll learn about several positions that will activate more than half of your body’s muscles.

Remember that by working several muscle groups at the same time, you can increase the effectiveness of training. This way you will achieve the goal you have set for yourself much faster.

In addition to strengthening your muscles, exercising with the weight of your own body helps your heart pump blood better and your lungs work properly. Combining the effort of different muscle groups not only increases your strength, but also saves you a trip to the gym, because you can easily do them at home.

Unlike fitness exercises, they also help prevent muscle imbalances and reduce the risk of injury. Let’s see what is the best way to train with your own body weight!

The best way to exercise with your own body weight

1. Push-ups

Push-ups are one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do at home. The main muscles involved in push-ups are the pectoralis major, the triceps brachii, and the anterior deltoid muscle.

  • Push-ups strengthen the muscles used in daily activities  and mimic frequent pushing movements.
  • To do a good push-up, you need to plank with your hands on the floor and your feet hip-width apart, with your palms directly under your shoulders.
  • Make sure your lower back is not drooping and bend your elbows as you bring your body down. At the same time, remember to point your shoulders down and back with each push-up.

2. A bicycle

To do this full body exercise, you must lie down on your back on the floor with your knees bent and pointing towards your chest. Bring your hands behind your head by bending your elbows and keeping your head slightly raised.

  • Then raise your right elbow to your left knee while your right leg straightens.
  • Continue changing sides as if you want to pedal.
  • You should do 10 repetitions of this exercise with your own body weight on each leg.

3. Pull-ups

Pull-ups are another impressive exercise that should be an absolutely essential part of your training. The movement begins by hanging your body on a bar, with your palms facing back and your arms outstretched.

  • The goal is to pull your body up over your shoulders to place your chin on the bar while minimizing torso and lower body movement.
  • Once your chin has passed the bar, in a controlled manner, lower your body again until your arms are almost completely straight.

As you can imagine, there are many muscles that are activated when you perform this challenging exercise with the weight of your own body!

4. Isometric squat with a back against a wall

Who needs a chair when there’s a wall nearby? This is an excellent exercise if you want to strengthen your leg muscles. Slowly slide your back down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Squat against the wall.
  • While exercising, you should make sure your knees are exactly above your ankles and keep your back straight.
  • Each exercise should last approximately 60 seconds, during which don’t forget to breathe!
  • If you want to complicate the exercise, you can raise your arms forward and keep them in the air.

5. Precipitation at the bench

This exercise will help you build your tricep s. To do it, you must position your back to a bench or some other firm surface. It should be wide enough for you to place your hands shoulder-width on it.

  • Next, place your hands on the bench behind your back with your palms facing downwards, and then lower your body so that your knees are at right angles.
  • As you bend your arms back, lower your body even further until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.
  • To complete the fall, bounce up and then repeat the entire exercise.

As you may have observed, there are many reasons to exercise with your own body weight. As there are many variations to each exercise, we are confident that you will not lose your motivation, even if you find it difficult to do it at first. You’ll see how quickly you notice the results!

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