Blackheads And Blackheads – How To Remove Them Naturally?

The carcasses are caused by toxins present in the air. Remember to wash your face thoroughly in the morning and evening
Blackheads and blackheads - how to remove them naturally?

Fishheads, those little black points appearing on the skin of the face, give many of us headaches. The truth is that they don’t affect our health, but they look extremely unsightly.

Pimples  and blackheads can occur for many reasons: bacteria, air pollution, hormonal changes, inadequate makeup, moreover, due to the lack of hygiene, and excess sebum in the skin. Fortunately, nowadays there are a lot of products and therapies for this type of problem.

We know very well that there are many cosmetics and products to improve our complexion available on the market. Unfortunately, they are usually very expensive and not entirely effective.

Today we want to share with you some home-made – and much more economical – remedies for blackheads. Of course, you have to take into account that they should be used regularly, because only then they guarantee the desired effect.

Wągry and daily personal hygiene

  • Wash your face twice a day:

Even though it is not visible to the eyes, the  presence of toxins and pollutants in the air constantly stains our skin. Hence, blackheads and blackheads appear so often. We must remember to wash our face in the morning and also in the evening.

Wągry and daily personal hygiene

In this way, we remove makeup residues, bacteria and excess sebum.

  • Use natural tonics: 
  • Do not give up on the “sausage”: 

Water vapor makes dirt and contaminants – even the most profound ones – get outside. Fill a bowl with boiling water, throw a towel over your head and lean over the steam. Use this method two or three times a week.

  • Don’t forget about peeling:

Face scrub is a must when it comes to blackheads and blackheads. It removes dead skin cells and eliminates all types of impurities.

You can prepare your own scrub, homemade. Mix some oatmeal with honey, then apply the mixture to your face and massage your skin with circular motions.

Natural therapies for blackheads and blackheads

Homemade egg and lemon mask

This powerful natural mask is great for combating blackheads and blackheads. As it contains lemon, it perfectly cleanses the skin and also eliminates bacteria

Fresh egg

Egg, in turn, removes excess fat, smoothes and revitalizes.


  • 1 protein.
  • A few drops of lemon juice.

A method of preparing

We mix both ingredients together and put them on the face. Then, after 20 minutes, wash it off with lukewarm water. For the best results, use this mask twice a week.

Homemade strawberry mask

Fruits as delicious as strawberries also help fight blackheads and excess sebum in the skin of our face.


  • 5 strawberries.
  • 1 protein.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.

A method of preparing

Using a blender, combine all the ingredients until you get a kind of paste. Then apply the prepared preparation to the washed face. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Homemade yogurt and lemon mask

The combination of natural yogurt with lemon offers us a very effective mask that not only deeply cleans, but also  very effectively reduces excess sebum and fights blackheads and blackheads.

Natural yogurt


  • 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt.
  • ½ tablespoon of squeezed lemon juice.

A method of preparing

We mix both ingredients and apply directly to the skin. Then we leave it for about 20 minutes. After this time, wash the mask with lukewarm water. We repeat the therapy twice a week.

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