Banana And Cinnamon Tea For Insomnia!

Do you have trouble falling asleep or suffer from insomnia? We have a solution for your sleep-inducing trouble – try a delicious drink that helps you fall asleep and guarantees healthy, restorative sleep.
Banana and cinnamon tea for insomnia!

A healthy and restorative sleep, with at least eight uninterrupted hours of rest a day, is a key factor in maintaining your physical and mental health. When we suffer from insomnia, our body is unable to recover properly after a long previous day.

Although we are usually not aware of it, our body performs a number of extremely important life functions during the night rest: it regenerates brain cells and performs an energy renewal.

Currently, due to the ubiquitous rush, many people have significantly shortened the time recommended by experts for their daily rest. Inadequate amount of sleep per day and its poor quality cause many disorders in the work of various systems of our body.

Insomnia significantly contributes to enormous fatigue during the day, lowered concentration and malaise.

When we are sleepy, we are unable to properly and scrupulously perform our daily duties and we are always in a bad mood.

How does insomnia affect our body?

When periods in which we sleep poorly extend over time and we do nothing to prevent this situation, we become very vulnerable to the development of various diseases. It is worth realizing that some of them can significantly affect our quality of life.

It is for this reason that we should pay special attention to issues related to sleep and restorative night rest. It is worth implementing the habit of falling asleep and waking up at the same time. See for yourself that you won’t need the alarm clock soon.

But what to do when insomnia keeps you awake at night? There are many natural ways to combat sleep disorders. Today, however, we would like to offer you a sedative decoction of banana and a pinch of cinnamon.

It is an interesting and healthy proposition that, unlike sleeping pills, does not cause any side effects. Everyone can easily use it, regardless of age and type of sleep disorder.

How do banana and cinnamon affect insomnia?

The combination of the nutritional power of banana and cinnamon results in a natural remedy with powerful sedative properties that soothe, calm emotions and help you fall asleep.

Prepare a tea from these two ingredients that naturally lowers blood cortisol levels, thereby relieving stress and other emotions that prevent us from falling asleep properly.

Despite the banana content, this drink is low in calories and additionally is a valuable source of active ingredients that improve metabolism and lower blood sugar levels.

To learn more about the beneficial effects of the stock, below we present the properties of each of the ingredients.

The calming properties of a banana

Banana is one of the most consumed fruits worldwide – both for its sweet taste and its filling properties.

It is distinguished by a high content of potassium and a magnet, two minerals necessary for the body to carry out a number of functions, such as keeping blood pressure at the correct level and maintaining muscle strength.

Fresh banana

Indeed, regular consumption of bananas is associated with a reduction in the frequency of muscle cramps and other symptoms associated with disturbances in blood pressure.

But how does a banana affect insomnia?

This fruit turns out to be a very effective natural sleeping aid, because it contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which positively affects neurotransmitters, which in turn facilitate falling asleep and allow you to maintain restorative sleep for several hours.

The beneficial properties of cinnamon

Freshly grated cinnamon

Another main ingredient in our stock is aromatic cinnamon. This spice has been an important natural medicine medicine for thousands of years.

The strongest ingredient in cinnamon is a substance called eugenol, which is also responsible for the characteristic smell of this spice. Its action is related to lowering blood glucose levels and alleviating all kinds of digestive problems.

Moreover, cinnamon improves blood circulation in the body. And when the blood flows freely, it is easier for us to relax and fall asleep.

How to fight insomnia with banana and cinnamon?

A cup of banana infusion

As we mentioned before, our natural remedy for insomnia takes the form of a decoction – when exposed to high temperatures, ingredients gain strength to help you fall asleep and help fight insomnia.

In order to achieve optimal results, the decoction should be consumed at least one hour before going to bed.


  • 1 banana
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon (2.5 g)
  • 1 liter of water

A method of preparing

  • Stock up on a banana and then cut it into pieces without first peeling it. Just cut off both tips.
  • Pour the water into the pot and put it on medium heat. Add the chopped banana and bring to the boil.
  • When the water starts to bubble, reduce the heat and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • After this time, leave the decoction to cool down.
  • When it cools down, pour the stock through a strainer and add half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

The way it is eaten

  • Drink a drink every day, one cup, one hour before going to bed.
  • Follow the treatment for seven days in a row, then take a week’s rest and drink the decoction again at bedtime.
  • If your insomnia persists after a few weeks, see your doctor .

In closing, we would like to add that each sleep-inducing decoction may work differently depending on your daily habits. For example, it is recommended that the dinner eaten should be modest and easy to digest, and the bedroom should be comfortable and adequately ventilated.

An important factor is also avoiding the use of electronic cameras and TV sets before going to bed – the light of the screen stimulates the body and interferes with the production of the sleep hormone.

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