Arthritis – What To Eat For Breakfast When You Suffer From It?

Breakfast is the perfect time of the day to have it
Arthritis - What To Eat For Breakfast When You Suffer From It?

Arthritis is a very common disease, perhaps much more common than we might think. It turns out, however, that we still do not fully understand it. Hearing the word: arthritis , the image of a hand with deformed, twisted fingers immediately comes to mind.

It turns out, however, that this term alone does not describe one specific ailment. In fact, arthritis comes in 100 forms. It also has many variations and can lead to various complications.

Contrary to popular belief, this disease does not only affect the elderly. There are also children with rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis people in their prime, and even athletes.

We also cannot forget about osteoarthritis – it is one of the most common forms of the disease where cartilage loses its strength and resistance.

When we talk about arthritis, one point needs to be made clear – at the moment it is not a curable disease. Every day, activities are carried out to improve the quality of life of people affected by this ailment.

Regardless of the form in which arthritis has affected us, it is always worth consulting with a specialist doctor in order to determine the most effective form of treatment.

On our part, we would like to offer you an additional way to take care of your health – taking care of yourself in terms of your diet. In today’s article, we will focus on breakfast. Let us tell you a bit more.

Best breakfast for when you suffer from arthritis

As you probably know, taking care of your diet won’t just make your arthritis go away overnight. However, if you start reaching for specific products, you will be able to achieve the set goals. This includes:

  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Strengthening the joints.
  • Nutrition of cartilage tissue.
  • Collagen production stimulation.
  • Strengthening the work of the immune system.

Later in this article, we will tell you what products should be on your breakfast table when you suffer from arthritis. It will allow you to start each day even better.

1. Red fruit

Most of the fruits are naturally healthy food. It turns out, however, that those belonging to the category of red fruits, such as strawberries, cherries, cranberries, cherries, raspberries or grapes, are especially recommended for people suffering from arthritis. 

Red fruits for arthritis

This is for several reasons:

  • They are a rich source of antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, which is vitamin C.
  • Anthocyanins and carotenoids contained in red fruit, as well as their numerous compounds, help us fight free radicals that cause inflammation in our body.
  • Ideally, you should use fresh fruit. However, since many of them are seasonal fruits, feel free to freeze them. They have slightly less vitamins, but they certainly won’t hurt you.

2. Coffee? Yes please!

Don’t worry, if you suffer from arthritis, coffee should be on your table. Because if you drink it in moderation, especially in the first hours of the day, it can be of great help to your health.

Coffee is a cure for arthritis
  • Coffee is a product rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. Thanks to this, it protects us against damage at the cellular level, helps to fight inflammation and perfectly cares for the health of the heart.
  • To take full advantage of its beneficial effects, remember not to sweeten it with white sugar or add cream or fat milk. If you feel the urge to do so, try brown sugar, honey, coconut oil, or plant-based milk such as oatmeal, for example.

3. Whole grain cereals

In your case, remember that if you eat grains, they should be whole grains. Processed grains, i.e. those without bran and husk, lack the part containing the most vitamins, minerals and vegetable proteins.

If we reach for large amounts of white bread or flour, instead of properly nourishing our body, we only feed inflammation. If you suffer from arthritis, ideally you should eat the following grains:

  • Amaranth. The grain is rich in vegetable protein, it tastes delicious, slightly reminiscent of nuts. It is perfect for breakfast, as it can be used to make mousses or mousses somewhat reminiscent of couscous.
  • Oat flakes. A reliable breakfast option for everyone. Combine them with a cup of strawberries, apples and honey and you will have a great breakfast with essential nutrients.
  • Buckwheat groats. Very rich in proteins. It is used to prepare many dishes, including pies, pancakes and muffins.
  • Quinoa (quinoa). It is an ideal product for fighting inflammation caused by arthritis.

4. Carrot juice

The antioxidants, carotenoids, vitamins C, D and K and other valuable minerals it contains will help you take care of your joints and cartilage by stimulating collagen synthesis. Carrot juice is perfect for you!

5. Pistachios

Surprised? Perhaps you already have the habit of reaching for these delicious nuts. If so, it is very good, because just a handful of pistachios will help you effectively take care of joints and bones.

Roasted pistachios for arthritis
  • Pistachios are a great source of healthy plant-based protein. You should use them as often as possible if you suffer from arthritis.
  • They are also rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, fiber, and alpha linolenic acid (ALA). All these elements help to perfectly take care of your immune system.

As you’ve probably noticed, the best option when you develop arthritis is to maintain a healthy, varied diet that provides your body with the valuable nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

However, it is worth paying special attention to products with anti-inflammatory properties and rich in vitamin C. They are the ones that are able to help us alleviate the symptoms associated with arthritis.

Every effort is valuable, it is all about your health and well-being.

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