Arthritis – 5 Healing Oils

If you struggle with arthritis, oils with anti-inflammatory properties can help you with pain relief. Read the article and learn more.
Arthritis - 5 healing oils

Arthritis is a disease that can cause severe pain that does not go away for a very long time. When the cartilage in your joints wears down, which is a natural process, inflammation can occur, limiting your ability to move and quality of life.

Arthritis can be treated with pharmaceuticals, but prolonged use can be detrimental to the lining of the stomach. This means that by treating one disease, you may contract another. That is why it is worth trying out natural healing oils that effectively soothe aching joints.

1. Chamomile oil

Chamomile has a lot of healing properties. Here are the most important of them:

  • has hypoallergenic properties, therefore it is recommended for people suffering from rhinitis and hay fever,
  • accelerates the healing process of the skin and reduces the likelihood of scarring,
  • has moisturizing properties,
  • has anti-inflammatory properties.
chamomile oil for arthritis

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties , chamomile oil is an excellent remedy for joint pain caused by arthritis. It is also recommended for diseases such as:

  • muscle aches,
  • contractions,
  • lumbago,
  • headaches,
  • Pain related to premenstrual syndrome.

To take advantage of the healing properties of chamomile oil, it is best to rub it into the skin where you feel pain, and then massage the area until all the oil is absorbed.

2. Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary is an aromatic herb native to the Mediterranean region. Although it is used in many recipes, it also has numerous medicinal properties.

Rosemary has been used for years to treat various diseases, it helps, among others:

  • control some symptoms related to Alzheimer’s disease
  • improve the work of the brain and improve the ability to concentrate and remember,
  • strengthen the immune system,
  • soothe headaches and muscle aches.

If you suffer from arthritis, massage the sore area regularly with a small amount of rosemary oil.

3. Ginger oil for arthritis

Ginger oil has an unusual taste, similar to pepper. Consuming this oil helps soothe inflammation, so it is recommended to be used regularly as part of the prevention and treatment of arthritis.

If you don’t like the taste of ginger oil, you can apply it externally by rubbing it into the most sore spots. It is a very effective anti-inflammatory remedy.

4. Marjoram oil

Marjoram oil soothes aches and pains caused by a variety of health conditions, including colds, fever, inflammation and muscle tension.

If you want to use marjoram oil to relieve arthritis pain, heat it up a little and rub it into the sore area every day.

5. Peppermint oil

Oil prepared from mint leaves is used to relieve stomach and muscle pain. It also helps to get rid of a headache very quickly.

Mint has analgesic, tonic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to clear the respiratory tract of residual mucus faster.

peppermint oil for arthritis

Moreover, many minerals such as magnesium, iron, manganese and calcium can be found in mint oil. This oil is also packed with vitamins and Omega 3 essential fatty acids.

6. Turmeric Oil

How often do you eat turmeric? This product not only adds a unique flavor to your dishes, but also has numerous health benefits. Not everyone may like the unusual taste of turmeric, but they can still use the healing properties of this spice to relieve joint pain. All they need to do is reach for turmeric oil.

It is worth using it externally and consuming it orally at the same time to fight inflammation from the inside.

How to use oils for arthritis?

The oils listed above can be used separately or in any configuration. If you mix them, you can increase their effectiveness.

Remember that high-concentration oils should be mixed with other, more neutral oils, such as jojoba oil or almond oil. Otherwise, you may irritate the skin.

You can use the selected oil or a mixture of oils in various ways:

  • directly on sore spots, performing a massage with circular movements,
  • applying a cold compress with the addition of oil to aching joints and leaving it for 15 minutes,
  • by preparing a warm compress with oil and applying it to the selected place for 20 minutes.

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