Arteries – Natural Ways To Open Them

The soluble fiber present in oatmeal – in addition to regulating intestinal movements – prevents the deposition of cholesterol and cares for our arteries.
Arteries - natural ways to open them

Inadequate eating habits, especially eating excessive amounts of fat and cholesterol, have a very negative effect on the  arteries and the entire cardiovascular system.

Inflammation, blocked veins and  arteries , high blood pressure – these are just some of the conditions that affect millions of people around the world.

For a long time, experts have been talking about the need to include specific products in the diet that are able to support our body. We are talking about a high dose of antioxidants, fiber, healthy fatty acids and other nutrients that benefit our skin, digestive system, thyroid and other organs.

In today’s article, we’ll show you 8 ways to keep your arteries healthy. Include them in your menu today!

Healthy arteries – 8 products

1. Asparagus

Green asparagus

We are talking about an irreplaceable vegetable, especially when it comes to the cardiovascular system. Asparagus is rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins K, B1, B2, C and E.

Regular consumption of asparagus helps to  regulate blood pressure and prevent blood clots which can cause serious heart disease.

2. Avocados

In addition to being delicious and versatile, avocados are one of the best cardiovascular health products.

We recommend eating at least one a day. Avocado k ontroluje cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, and by the way the so-called raises. healthy cholesterol – necessary for the purification of blood vessels.

Avocados are also a great source of protein and fiber, as well as vitamins and antioxidants.

3. Broccoli


Broccoli contains large amounts of vitamin K, which is responsible for the condition of our blood vessels.

Vitamins and antioxidants protect against cholesterol oxidation, which prevents possible heart disease. Fiber, in turn, is a surefire remedy for high blood pressure.

4. Oatmeal

This is the most famous cereal. Oats are your best source of soluble fiber to keep cholesterol from affecting your arteries.

It acts as a kind of “broom” that removes fat from our body. One or two glasses of oatmeal a day is enough to lower cholesterol by as much as 20%.

5. Berry juice

Berry juice

Does your body need antioxidants and fiber? Blueberries do the best. Thanks to them, your blood vessels will maintain adequate flexibility.

The compounds they contain increase the ability to absorb fat and produce energy, thus clearing the veins and arteries Cholesterol will no longer be a problem for you.

6. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are another alternative. About 50 g per day is enough. Chia is high in fiber and acids that regulate the levels of LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and pollutants found in the bloodstream.

They are also a source of proteins and nutrients that optimize the results of any physical activity.

7. Sea fish

Fresh salmon

It is well known that it is sea fish that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Thanks to them, we will avoid the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels and protect our heart against many serious diseases.

Two servings a week are enough and we will enjoy a healthy and efficient cardiovascular system.

The healthiest marine fish are:

  • Salmon.
  • Mackerel.
  • Cod.
  • Tuna.
  • Sardines.

8. Garlic

Garlic has always been used in diseases of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the compounds it contains, garlic is able to lower blood pressure and helps to cleanse and clear veins and arteries. It works great in the case of deposits and blockages.

Regular consumption of these products reduces the risk of contracting a wide variety of diseases to a minimum. Remember that the best results are seen in people who completely give up unhealthy foods and also take care of other aspects, such as – for example – physical activity.

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