Apple Peel – Slimming Treatment

In addition to its cleansing and intestinal detox properties, apple peel is effective in accelerating metabolism. In addition, it improves digestive processes and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Apple peel - slimming treatment

Apple peel. In our articles, we often mention the benefits that come from eating apples with the skin. Following the proverb: “one apple a day keeps the doctor away from me”, always remember all the benefits that the fruit, not the fruit itself, can give you, but the peel of the apple.

Did you know that it is a rich source of nutrients, antioxidants and natural acids that effectively support weight loss? Never throw away the skins that you can use to prepare a simple but effective treatment.

But does it really work? See for yourself! After all, you have nothing to lose. After a few days you will feel better and notice clear effects.

How apple peel helps you lose weight

If you buy apples from organic farming, you have no need to worry when using the peel. When apples are natural and pesticide-free, the peel of the apple can be used to prepare our slimming treatment.

Apple peel

It doesn’t matter what the color of the apple peel you are going to use. Whether it will be a green, red or yellowish apple, the greatest value of the fruit is always hidden in the peel.

K you ursolic contained in the skin is a very important component that helps in weight loss. If you regularly provide it to the body, you can improve many aspects of its operation, including:

  • Ursolic acid fights bad cholesterol.
  • Regulates blood sugar levels.
  • According to a study conducted some time ago by a group of researchers from the University of Iowa in the US, ursolic acid is capable of burning calories, and thus effective in the fight against obesity. The research results were published in the journal “Plos One”.
  • It is an effective tool in the fight against muscle wasting. There are many studies confirming that eating apples, especially apple peels, is a prevention of muscle wasting. This custom helps the elderly in particular to keep their muscles healthy and fit.
  • Apple peel contains a small amount of sodium, but is a rich source of fiber and many vitamins. Effectively accelerates metabolism, which is an essential element in the fight against obesity. Thanks to the action of ursolic acid, which is provided by the peel of the apple, the skin remains supple during slimming.
  • Apple peel accelerates regeneration in the event of bone fractures.

The peel of the apple improves digestion and burns fat faster

  • It acts as a gentle laxative: thanks to the pectin contained in the peel, the apple improves the functioning of the digestive tract, cleansing the walls of internal organs from toxins and bacteria through which food passes during the digestive phase.

Such cleansing allows you to absorb the nutrients that are supplied to the body with the food eaten much better later.

Eating apples with the peel on a regular basis also helps to release fatty tissue, and it will also remove impurities that cause inflammation. It is also effective in removing excess fluid retained in the body.

  • Apple peel is a diuretic and helps detoxify the body : By eating it regularly you will eliminate the cause of inflammation in the lower abdomen. You will feel much healthier and lighter.
  • Solution for stomach problems: This simple remedy will not only improve digestion and speed up your metabolism, but it will also remove the cause of inflammation in your body.

How to prepare an effective treatment

Recipe one


  • Peel from 3 apples
  • 1 cinnamon stick (3g)
  • 1 liter of water
    Apple juice
  • Half a lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)

A method of preparing

  • To prepare our treatment, we primarily need three apples from natural breeding. Wash them thoroughly and then peel them. We will only use skins in our recipe.
  • Now boil a liter of water, and when it starts to boil, add the apple peels.
  • Also add a cinnamon stick and leave it on the fire for about half an hour.
  • After the allotted time has elapsed, turn off the fire and let it cool down.
  • Then pour the whole stock through a strainer and add the honey and the juice of half a lemon.
  • You can keep this drink in a glass bottle in a cool place. It is best to drink it at ambient temperature many times a day. The first portion should be drunk on an empty stomach.

Recipe two


  • Peel from 3 apples
  • 1 teaspoon of sage (5 g)
  • 1 liter of water
  • Half an orange juice
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)

A method of preparing

  • We start, of course, by washing the apples under running water and peeling them. After boiling a liter of water, you can add apple peel and sage to it.
  • Leave the decoction on the fire for at least half an hour. Then set it off the fire and leave it for another 15 minutes.
  • After it has cooled down, the broth should be poured through a strainer, then add the orange juice and bee honey. Mix thoroughly and pour into a glass bottle.

Both recipes are proven, so we recommend you choose one or try both. You will get very good results by drinking the decoction for the next ten days. In addition, follow a low-fat diet and always drink the first portion on an empty stomach. Drink the following portions before meals.

So don’t hesitate and start today!

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