Aloe – How To Grow It At Home?

Growing aloe vera at home is very simple – this plant does not require special attention and caring for it is pure pleasure.
Aloe - how to grow it at home?

We already know almost everything about the benefits of this plant, but are we aware that  aloe is  very easy to grow at home? It does not require special care, it is enough to water it properly and enjoy its properties.

Do you want to learn how to grow  aloe vera  in your own home? Read this article and learn some rules.

1. Why is it worth having aloe vera at home?

Scientists say that almost every day we learn new ways to use it

Aloe leaves

It is a natural source of health and a remedy for many daily ailments.

Here are some of the properties of aloe vera: 

  • Aloe contains many vitamins and minerals – from B vitamins, through tannins and fatty acids, to numerous amino acids.
  • Aloe vera helps regenerate skin cells, which is useful for burns, for example.
  • It is an easily digestible plant that will help you fight constipation.
  • It has a cleansing and disinfecting effect.
  • Aloe vera will also help regenerate internal tissues.
  • It is a natural pain reliever with no side effects.
  • This plant fights bacteria, fungi and viruses.
  • It strengthens and protects the immune system.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect.

2. How to grow aloe vera at home?

What do you need?

  • Large clay pot.
  • Normal garden soil to fill half of the pot and peat / moss to the other half.
    Aloe in a pot
  • Litter to line the bottom of the pot to ensure good drainage.
  • A piece of the plant you want to plant.

Which genre to choose?

Here are a few of the most popular ones you can choose from:

  • Aloe Arborescens  (woody): this is one of the best species of this plant that branches in the shape of an octopus. It usually grows very fast and can reach a height of up to 4 meters. It can be used to treat burns and skin problems as it speeds up the healing process.
  • Aloe Saponaria : This  aloe  has very wide and plump leaves, 15-20 cm long, with thorny edges. It can also be used to heal skin problems, and it also fights constipation and inflammation. Despite the fact that it does not reach spectacular sizes, it is a really beautiful decoration.
  • Aloe aristata  (bristly): its central part is usually 15-30 cm in diameter, the leaves are long and fleshy. This aloe vera has all the properties described above, and it can also help soothe wasp and other insect stings. It can be used for a variety of home treatments, so it is one of the most recommended species to grow at home.
Aloe in a pot

How to grow this plant?

  • Start by sprinkling the bottom of the pot with gravel to ensure good drainage and prevent the plant from rotting.
  • Fill half the pot with soil and the other half with moss. Never use sand as excess salt is not good for its growth .
  • Place the selected aloe vera in the center and cover with soil to the leaf line.
  • Aloe vera usually has long roots that hold it firmly in place. Once you have planted your plant, avoid watering for the first 2 weeks. During this time, the  aloe  will take root and will need to be hydrated later.
  • She needs a lot of sun, so place the pot in a well-lit place in your home or on your porch.
  • This plant does not require frequent watering – once every 2 weeks is enough.
  • Aloe doesn’t like the cold, so take care of it especially in winter.
  • Aloe plants usually grow quickly and you will notice new plants appearing around you. When they are about 8 cm tall, you can replant them to another pot.
Aloe stalk

As you can see, growing this plant at home is really very simple – aloe grows quickly and you don’t have to water it too often.

Once you notice that the leaves are large and plump enough, you can start using them in a variety of home cosmetics and treatments.

She reproduces quickly so it won’t be long before you can expand your breeding farm.

It is a good idea to transplant the emerging new plants into a separate pot so that they can continue to develop. You will see that aloe vera in your own home is a really great choice!

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