A Healthy And Cleansing Diet At The Same Time – Here Are 5 Suggestions

A healthy and cleansing diet - here are 5 suggestions

Everything you do and eat continues to accumulate in your body. This includes, but is not limited to, eating too much, not getting enough exercise, drinking alcohol on weekends, negative emotions and stress, etc. This can directly cause illness or simply feel bad. This is where a properly developed and balanced diet comes in handy .

Such a diet , depending on its purpose, can perform many tasks, but we will now focus on the cleansing properties, which will allow you to strengthen your body and mind.

Naturally, you may ask first, what is a cleansing diet anyway?

Simply put, it will be a diet that supports the natural processes of eliminating toxins and other unwanted substances from your body that are left over from the processing of matter. More information on this can be found below.

While your body’s organs usually perform their tasks quite efficiently, in many cases they may really need a helping hand. And in our article today, we’re just going to show you five ways to do just that. We invite you to read!

What is a cleansing diet really?

Under normal circumstances, this would not be necessary. This is due to the fact that your body relies on a very efficient and effective natural cleansing system (using the excretory system and removing all toxins and unnecessary substances through urine, feces and sweat, sometimes also other emergency methods, such as tears) or a runny nose).

However, in real life, you may find that your body cannot cope with the enormous amount of toxins it accumulates, or it may not recognize all harmful compounds as undesirable.

This phenomenon is particularly common if you live in a city and have a habit of consuming large amounts of industrial processed food products.

Vegetables and fruits in a cleansing diet

For example, a cleansing and slimming diet is gaining enormous popularity right after Christmas or holidays. This is because during these periods we tend to eat and drink in amounts well above our standard habits.

However, you don’t have to resort to such radical methods. You don’t even need to specify two specific seasons in which you intend to support your body’s natural processes of eliminating undesirable substances.

The benefits of a cleansing diet

A cleansing diet provides your body with virtually all the necessary chemicals that are actively involved in getting rid of toxins.

These natural ingredients either directly react with toxic substances breaking them down into compounds that are safe for your health, or support other processes that remove them from the body.

A thin and obese person.  Cleansing diet

An example of the latter category may be any kind of diuretic, laxative or, for example, stimulants that stimulate the bowel function to facilitate the formation and transport of faeces.

This kind of diet routine is not as restrictive and difficult to implement in everyday life as many people imagine. In many cases, it is enough to slightly modify your daily diet, enriching your dishes with products containing fiber and potassium.

Both of these ingredients have an “encouraging” effect on our body to carry out cleansing processes more efficiently.

Types of cleansing diets

In most cases, these are diets that can be done in as little as a day or over the weekend. During this time, you should only eat foods that are allowed in the diet. You should also try to stay at home, not engage in strenuous exercise or physical work, and refrain from engaging in demanding mental work.

The first objection is due to the inherent slight weakening of the body due to diet, and the second is related to the lower level of concentration. However, these side effects are mild and disappear literally a moment after the end of the diet and return to the standard diet.

Some of the cleansing diets we recommend most include:

A diet based on grapefruit

Grapefruits are not only wonderful, extremely delicious citrus fruits. It’s also incredibly effective all-natural fat burners and detoxifying substances all rolled into one. They also contain a lot of fiber and vitamin C.

Grapefruit and the cleansing diet

To take full advantage of their valuable properties, you must spend the whole day eating grapefruits alone. You can prepare them as juice or eat them peeled and divided into pieces. You can also cut the fruit in half and then eat the pulp with a teaspoon.

In the latter case, be careful, because the grapefruit treated in this way has a tendency to splash the juice on all sides!

In the afternoon, you can combine these fruits with zero-fat yogurt. In the evening or at night, you can eat a spinach salad or a handful of lettuce leaves.

High-fiber diet

Oatmeal is the main ingredient no diet can do without during a weekend body cleansing. You can eat them in conjunction with skim milk and fat-free yogurt, orange juice, whole grain cereals, or nuts such as almonds.

In the afternoon, add some fresh fruit (strawberries or apples) to your diet. In the evening or at night, you can eat carrot cream with the addition of leek and celery.

A diet based on carrots

Spending an entire day eating carrots may seem like an uninviting idea, but it’s actually not that bad. You will quickly find out that carrots, even without any other additives, are really delicious.

Better to eat it raw. This will allow you to reduce both your anxiety and stress levels as well as reduce your appetite. However, you can enjoy this vegetable in many different ways thanks to the numerous preparation options.

Carrots in the diet

We recommend you to make a cocktail of carrots, broth (after boiling the carrots), carrot salad, grated on a coarse-mesh grater or in the form of puree (mixed with a small addition of lemon juice).

Before going to bed, you can finish this day with a natural infusion, also made of carrots.

A diet based on tomatoes

It is a great option for smokers (or those who have just quit this fatal addiction). But this diet will also be a great solution for women who are struggling with cellulite.
To do this, simply eat the tomatoes any way you like throughout the day:

  • When you get out of bed in the morning, have a glass of tomato juice.
  • For breakfast, you can eat tomatoes cut into slices.
  • At lunchtime, have a tomato salad with bean sprouts and lettuce (you can slightly improve the taste of vegetables with a little olive oil).
  • For a snack, you can prepare yourself tomato juice with mint.
  • For dinner, eat exactly what you had prepared for lunch.
  • Before going to bed, drink a cup of tomato juice or traditional green tea.

Artichoke diet

These delicious vegetables are characterized by, among other things, diuretic properties and, in addition, support the work of the liver. They also help to get rid of fat deposits in the digestive system, especially in the stomach.

Artichokes in the diet

The artichoke diet belongs to the group of one-day diets:

  • For breakfast, eat a slice of whole grain wheat bread with a nibble on the artichoke.
  • As for lunch, you can eat as many grilled artichoke hearts as you see fit.
  • Prepare an artichoke casserole for dinner.
  • As a snack in the morning (for lunch) and in the afternoon (for afternoon tea), you can eat zero-fat yogurt.

Is it possible to start a cleansing diet without any special obligations?

Most people aren’t really convinced by the concept of dieting for more than a day. And it is hardly surprising, as such a diet would undoubtedly be rather troublesome to use.

But you may have thought about switching to a healthier diet from today. Or maybe you want to start them right after the weekend cleansing is finished?

In this case, we recommend that you add the following foods to your daily diet, which are not only known for their cleansing abilities, but are also very healthy:

  • Fruits (pineapples, strawberries, grapes, kiwi, oranges, apples, pears)
  • Vegetables (celery, asparagus, onion, endive endive)
  • Sprouts (wheat, alfalfa, soybeans)
  • Whole grain products
  • Lean meat
  • Fish with white, fatty meat
  • Natural, zero-fat yogurt

Once you finish your diet

What happens in your body right after you stop following a cleansing diet? This is a common question and it shows that more and more people are taking their health seriously.

Generally speaking, it is recommended that you do not start eating foods that are high in calories and that are difficult to digest right after you finish your diet. Of course, you can slowly revert to the “normal” diet, but do it gradually.

Eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible, using the list above.

Healthy diet

And what actually should come first – do not forget to drink plenty of water every day and engage in physical activity. It does not have to be very intense, it is enough if it is regular. It could even be just a half-hour walk each day.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Also, avoid consuming large amounts of fats, sugars, and refined flour. Drink water and tea instead of fizzy drinks and green tea instead of coffee. In addition, try to find foods that contain all-natural ingredients as much as possible, rather than processed or refined.

In this way, your body will not accumulate so many toxins that are products of metabolism, and you yourself will be able to enjoy much better health and well-being than before.

The posted graphics come from the collection of wikihow.com

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