Sick Kidneys – 8 Essential Symptoms – Step To Health

While symptoms of kidney disease are often not apparent until the disease is advanced, there are some signs that can alert you to possible problems.
Sick kidneys - 8 important symptoms

The kidneys are the organs responsible for filtering the bloodstream and removing pollutants from the body through the urine. They are usually 10-12 cm in size and can purify 190 liters of blood per day, eliminating about two liters of water.

The kidneys also play an important role in regulating blood pressure and are involved in the production of several hormones that are fundamental to staying healthy.

As with the rest of the body, excess toxins can disrupt their function and lead to serious health problems.

What is most worrying is that kidney problems often show no symptoms at all or are confused with other conditions. However, we have some good news for you – there are some clear signs that can alert you that your kidneys are in danger.

And since most people are unfamiliar with them, today we’d like to share eight of the most important symptoms. Find out more about them!

1. Sick kidneys and changes in urination habits

problems urinating

Changes in urination habits usually happen when something is wrong with your kidneys. A constant need to urinate – or vice versa, much less often – may indicate that your kidneys are not working as they should.

2. Changes in the urine itself

Changes in the color, smell, or texture of your urine are a helpful sign that indicates possible problems with the genitourinary system. If you notice that your urine is more yellow than usual, contains blood or has an unpleasant odor, see your doctor.

While the above symptoms almost always appear with urinary tract infections, it is better to run tests to rule out a more serious condition.

3. Fluid retention in the body

fluid retention

Due to the fact that the kidneys regulate the level of fluid in your body, abnormal kidney function can lead to swelling or fluid retention.

As they lose their ability to excrete fluids and toxins, certain processes in the body stop, leading to swelling of the face, feet, ankles and other parts of the body.

4. Fatigue and weakness

The kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which is involved in the production of red blood cells. This means that they also play a very important role in transporting oxygen to the body’s cells.

For this reason, defective kidneys can lead to anemia and a feeling of constant fatigue. When the cells do not get enough oxygen, we feel dizzy, uncomfortable, and unable to concentrate.

5. Pain in the back or in the kidney area

back pain

Patients with kidney problems, especially the elderly, usually complain of pain in the loin area or very close to the kidneys. While it can only be a muscle problem, sometimes such pain is characteristic of a kidney disease.

Kidney stones or urinary tract infections can cause severe pain that radiates to the groin.

6. Strange taste in the mouth

When toxins build up in your bloodstream as a result of kidney problems, it can lead to a bad smell and a metallic taste in your mouth.

In fact, many people lose their appetite for meat or eat just less than usual.

7. Rash


While many ignore this fact, healthy skin also depends on how well your blood is cleansed and oxygen-supplied. When the kidneys stop filtering out toxins, a rash or other dermatological problems often develop.

From time to time, these changes are accompanied by unpleasant itching or allergies.

8. High pressure

It is a condition that can be a symptom of many diseases related to the cardiovascular system. It is important to remember that fluid retention and sodium can lead to a marked increase in blood pressure.

Both the failure and glomerulonephritis are manifested, inter alia, in increased blood pressure. High pressure also occurs when the renal artery is narrowed. The cause of this condition is a partial obstruction of the artery that transports blood to the kidneys.

Do you suspect you have kidney problems? See your doctor as soon as possible to rule out possible complications.

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