Perfect Abdominal Muscles In 2 Weeks!

Perfect abdominal muscles in 2 weeks!

Going on vacation in two weeks? Have you remembered that your best friend is getting married soon? Do you want to look good in tight T-shirts? To some, it may seem too late to take care of your  abs. Nothing could be more wrong!

Take a look at our 2-week plan to help you sculpt your perfect abs in time  .

Perfect abdominal muscles in 2 weeks: truth or myth?

If you think it’s impossible to work out your abs in 15 days, you’d better start exercising right now. Your stomach may look like you haven’t left the gym in the last 6 months (not a bad idea, but you never have time). Two weeks of hard training is enough!

Flat belly

Diet + exercise + posture = Perfect abdominal muscles

It is this formula that guarantees similar effects as in the case of those who spend hours in the gym.

Step 1: Diet

Let’s start with the rules of nutrition. They play a vital role not only for your abs, but also for your overall health and well-being.

Mediterranean diet

Obviously, the waist area is most prone to fat accumulation, so a proper diet is essential. Below is an example:

  • Fasting:  A glass of blueberry juice, or a cup of green tea or squeezed out the juice of one lemon.
  • Breakfast:  Wait for half an hour and eat breakfast. It can be a solid serving of papaya or oatmeal. Pineapple and muesli (no chocolate) are also great.
  • Lunch:  Banana, orange or apple. If you have time, make yourself a carrot and celery cocktail.
  • Lunch:  Time for a warm meal, such as broth. For this vegetable salad. Finally, a cup of green or red tea.
  • Afternoon tea:  Fresh fruit juice (choose the ones you like). If you are hungry, eat some muesli or an apple.
  • Dinner:  A serving of soup or broth, baked potato with olive oil and oatmeal with almond milk.
  • Before going to bed:  Two apples to help you cleanse your body and avoid feeling hungry all night long.

Step 2: Physical activity

It’s time to move the skeleton (and above all the belly). Start with stretches for 5 to 10 minutes, then a quick 15-minute walk, and then crunches.


For the first 2-3 days, try not to overdo it.

  • Series 1 : Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor and your hands on the back of your neck. Get up slowly until you reach your knees. Return to the starting position. This is one repetition. Do 10 repetitions by the fifth day, 20 repetitions by the tenth day, and then 30 repetitions.
  • Second series:  Straighten your legs and place your hands on your buttocks. Raise your legs as if you are going to touch the ceiling with your toes – without bending your knees – until you reach a 90-degree angle to the rest of your body. Try to do this exercise slowly. Return to the starting position. As before, start with 10, then 20, and last five days with 30 repetitions.
  • Third series:  Lie on your side. You can bend your knees slightly. With the hand near the floor, grab the opposite hip and the other hand on the head. Raise your upper body as much as you can. Do 10 repetitions on each side.
  • Fourth series: Start the same as with the second series. Raise your legs slowly, but not as high as before. Once they are about 10 cm from the floor, hold them in this position, putting pressure on the abdominal muscles. Raise another 5 cm and hold again. Then even higher, until the angle of 90 degrees is reached. Lower your legs slowly.

Step 3: Posture

The position you take while sitting also affects your abdominal muscles. The back is always straight and the abdomen is tightened.

Appropriate posture

If you forget about the correct posture, for example at work, stick a note on your computer monitor or set a reminder on your phone. You’ll get used to it eventually.

Extra step: Drink plenty of water

If you do not like water, you can drink teas or infusions (sugar-free), freshly squeezed juices, or eat foods like tomatoes, apples and oranges.

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