Dehydration – 8 Signs Your Body Needs Water

The human body is 75 to 80% water. It is therefore obvious that our body needs a lot of fluid in order to function properly. Find out what the signs of dehydration are and make sure you are drinking enough water.
Dehydration - 8 signs your body needs water

The human body needs water to carry out all processes, therefore dehydration is a condition that we must absolutely avoid. If you don’t drink enough water, your entire body suffers and your well-being gradually deteriorates.

Between 75 and 80% of your body is made up of this life-giving fluid. Dehydration therefore adversely affects almost every part of the body and every system.

Fortunately, water is a natural ingredient that we usually have in abundance, so we can replenish its resources in the body.

You can provide your body with water not only by drinking fluids, but also by eating fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, many people do not pay enough attention to their diet and drinking the right amount of fluids.

What they do not realize is that drinking water regularly is of great importance to all organs and that dehydration damages our physical and mental health.

If you don’t drink the right amount of fluids, the effects will show up sooner or later.

1. Dry mouth and dehydration

dry mouth dehydration

The unpleasant feeling of dry mouth is the result of decreased saliva production. Usually the cause of this condition is dehydration.

Water is necessary to maintain the proper condition of the mucosa in the mouth and throat. When you drink enough fluids, your throat and mouth are better protected against bacteria and viruses.

2. Thirst

This symptom is obvious, but we need to mention it. When you feel thirsty, your body craves for more fluids. This can sometimes be the result of a so-called hangover, as alcoholic beverages dehydrate the body and reduce energy levels.

So remember that consuming drinks that contain alcohol will not only keep your body hydrated, but will likely have the opposite effect.

When you feel thirsty, your brain sends out a warning signal for you to replenish your fluids to the levels necessary for your body to function properly.

3. Dehydration and dry eyes

dehydration red eyes

Drinking enough water helps to hydrate not only the mouth and throat, but also other organs, including the eyes.

Low body fluid levels can dry out the tear ducts, causing the eye mucosa to become dry and red.

4. Joint pain

The discs in the spine and the cartilage that protect the joints are 80% water, so dehydration can cause friction in the joints, resulting in pain.

When your body is properly hydrated, your joints can cope with daily shocks caused by walking or exercising.

Too little water in the body increases the risk of injury, premature degeneration of the joints and chronic diseases such as arthritis.

5. Loss of muscle mass

muscle cramps

Muscles are also made mostly of water. This means that the lower the water level in the body, the more muscle mass we lose. Therefore, it is imperative to replenish fluids before, during and after training to avoid dehydration and damage to the muscles.

By keeping your body hydrated, you also improve blood circulation throughout your body. Thus, you prevent the occurrence of inflammation that may result from excessive exercise.

6. Increased risk of disorders

The body needs water to carry out the process of eliminating accumulated toxins. Without this life-giving fluid, no organ or system can function properly.

Dehydration also lowers the effectiveness of the immune system.

In such a situation, our body is more susceptible to infections that can lead to serious diseases.

7. Fatigue and dehydration

tired woman

Water is essential for the proper functioning of the circulatory system. When there is disturbance in this area, the blood cannot bring enough oxygen to all cells.

It affects all organs, including our brain function.

The hypoxic brain causes fatigue and mental weakness and other symptoms that negatively affect our productivity.

8. Digestive disorders

The functioning of the digestive system can be severely disturbed when we do not provide the body with the right amount of water. Water makes it easier for the intestines to move undigested food particles and remove them from the body.

Without adequate hydration, the gastric mucosa can become damaged, resulting in heartburn, acid reflux and gastritis.

As you can see, water is essential for the proper functioning of the entire body. Take care of your body by drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day or reaching for cocktails or infusions.

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