Circulatory Disorders In The Legs – Fight Them Without Pills!

To improve blood circulation in the legs and relieve them after a hard day, it is recommended to lift the feet up for a few minutes. Such a habit facilitates the outflow of blood from the limbs, thus improving blood circulation throughout the body.
Circulatory disorders in the legs - fight them without pills!

With time, almost all of us begin to develop circulatory disorders in the legs. Moreover, there are many different factors that lead to an exacerbation of the problem.

The most common symptoms of abnormal blood flow in the lower extremities are: a feeling of heaviness, spider veins and varicose veins, and a particular susceptibility to the formation of cellulite.

Although circulatory problems in the legs are viewed primarily as an aesthetic problem, in fact they can also pose a serious health risk. If left untreated, the problem not only significantly reduces the quality of our everyday life, but can also have dire consequences.

Circulatory disorders in the legs – how to get rid of the problem?

Today we would like to share with you seven tips on how to improve blood circulation in your legs completely naturally. We are talking about a few daily habits that will make you forget about the feeling of heaviness in your legs once and for all. In addition, by following the recommendations below, you will significantly slimmer and firm your legs, and improve the overall health of your body.

Ready to completely change your habits?

Ways to deal with circulatory disorders in the legs

1. Say goodbye to a sedentary lifestyle

The first essential step, and at the same time a very logical one, is to improve blood circulation in the extremities through daily, regular physical activity. Remember that the more we move, the more efficiently our cardiovascular system works. A well-functioning heart is synonymous with good circulation and oxygenation of all body cells.

Unfortunately, nowadays we spend more and more hours a day sitting down. In some cases it is required by office work, and in others it is our conscious choice. After all, sitting on the couch in front of a TV or tablet screen is much more fun than pouring sweat at the gym …

The woman is walking to eliminate blood circulation disorders in the legs

Our legs suffer greatly from this. The longer we stay in the same position, the worse. Let’s try to take the most frequent breaks to stretch your legs, a short walk or express exercises. Otherwise, we won’t have to wait long for the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle to show up.

How can this be remedied?

  • Get up from your desk every hour to move around a little. Breaks even a few minutes can be beneficial for your cardiovascular system.
  • If you forget to take breaks, set a reminder alarm. Get up, take a walk, make yourself a cup of tea, do a few sit-ups …

2. Take care of the correct body posture

Contrary to appearances, not only people who spend long hours at a desk, but also people working “standing” should worry about the correct body posture.

You can do exercises to improve your posture both at home and at the gym. If you delve into the program of activities offered by most sports centers, you will also find activities to improve your posture and strengthen your spine.

Such lessons can turn out to be extremely useful, because they teach us how to walk, bend down, lift heavy objects, breathe … These are obvious issues of everyday life that each of us should know, but in fact we do not attach importance to them .

Regular exercise to improve posture will also help combat circulatory problems in the legs, as well as improve the overall condition of the body. Pilates and yoga are great for improving posture.

3. Walk, jump, climb stairs …

While comfort and effortlessness are at the heart of the current lifestyle, it’s worth getting moving. In addition to regular sports, we should also be active throughout the day.

  • Convert escalators and elevator to traditional stairs. Take advantage of every opportunity to go up and down on foot – it will help you maintain proper blood circulation in your legs and will also greatly improve the appearance of your legs and buttocks.
  • Cover short distances on foot or by bike.
  • Only use the car when absolutely necessary.
  • Use every possibility, even for a moment, to move your body. Follow the example of children who can’t sit still for a long time in one place. They are constantly running, moving and always ready to go.

4. Change the color of your diet to red

Did you know that the color of food tells us about the nutrients it contains and its health benefits?

Hence, we should enrich our daily diet with red vegetables and fruits. They are rich in lycopene and anthocyanins, among others.

Fresh tomatoes for blood circulation disorders in the legs

Which products should land on our plates as often as possible?

  • All kinds of forest fruits (raspberries, strawberries, horizontal, blueberries, cranberries, etc.)
  • Tomatoes
  • Watermelons
  • Cherries
  • Dark grapes
  • Red pepper
  • Radish
  • Beetroot
  • Red apples

5. Circulation disorders in the legs? Drink more water!

A habit as simple as drinking non-carbonated mineral water can save us from a multitude of various diseases and infections. So let’s take to heart the recommendations of doctors and specialists in the field of healthy eating and actually start drinking more water and healthy fluids.

If you want to improve the flow of fluids in your body, you should make a habit of reaching for a glass of water at all times of the day. However, remember not to eat it with meals, but always between them.

A healthy lifestyle involves drinking about 1.5 liters of water a day. Natural lemonades and herbal infusions are also great alternatives to pure water. However, before using them, make sure that they do not contain sugar or any other harmful sweeteners.

A great way to increase your water consumption is to carry a bottle with you. Every time you look at her, you should take a few deep sips!

6. Wear appropriate footwear

In many cases, circulatory problems in the legs are caused by inappropriate footwear. Usually, the cause of the problem is the frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes or too narrow shoes that put pressure on our feet for hours.

Pink sneakers on the legs

Try to take your shoes off as soon as you come home, and walk barefoot whenever an opportunity arises. Which of us does not love to tread on sand or lush grass! Our feet love it too! Such moments are a real respite for our heavy legs.

7. After returning home, give your legs a rest

The last of the tips given today is getting into the habit of relaxing your legs after each hard day. It consists of a series of treatments aimed at improving blood circulation in the extremities, relieving tension and preventing the formation of varicose veins.

  • A cold bath perfectly refreshes, improves blood circulation and relaxes our legs.
  • Use special creams based on ingredients that stimulate blood circulation. Plants such as cypress, rosemary, cinnamon, witch hazel, horse chestnut, etc. are perfect here.
  • Lift your legs high up, perpendicular to the wall, and hold this position for several minutes.
  • Sleep with your legs slightly raised, such as resting them on a pillow. You can also buy special pillows in medical stores to treat blood circulation disorders in the legs.

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