Breast Cancer – 5 Rare Symptoms

Cancer in young people can be more aggressive, which is why early detection is so important.
Breast cancer - 5 rare symptoms

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer diseases in the world. It mainly affects women, but sometimes also men. The risk of developing it increases with age. However , if breast cancer is detected early enough, the chances of survival increase significantly.

Breast cancer – 5 rare symptoms

Statistics show that breast cancer occurs primarily in people over 40, which is why regular examinations after that age are so important. It should be noted, however, that there are also cases of it at a much younger age and, unfortunately, it often seems more aggressive then.

Regardless of age, an early diagnosis of breast cancer can be cured. Experts recommend that you carefully study the most common syndromes of this neoplastic disease, which appear at any stage of its development, in order to be able to detect it as soon as possible.

The most common symptoms of breast cancer include: lumps on the breasts, changes in the structure of the breasts, skin changes, and nipple discharge that smells badly. 

However, the American Cancer Society proves that there are also some rare symptoms that specialists should always carefully scrutinize. Even if they relate to a different health problem, they can be symptoms of such a dangerous disease as breast cancer. Do you know which rare syndromes you should pay special attention to?

Itching, redness and pain

It is normal for the breasts to become painful and tender from time to time. It is similar with their itching, which occurs mainly before and during menstruation. However, if these symptoms persist, you should see your healthcare provider – perhaps breast cancer is causing them.

In general,  these symptoms  appear along with inflammatory cancer, which causes swelling, itching and pain in the chest area, as well as the more obvious symptoms, such as scaly skin, cellulite, or small blue spots on the skin.

In this case,  it is important to act immediately as this type of cancer progresses very quickly. 

Back pain

Back pain can be triggered by many different factors, and the last one we want to think about is breast cancer. Experts note that patients who have it diagnosed often complain of pain in the upper back, between the shoulder blades, before any other symptoms develop.

It is very important to be aware that  some types of cancerous tumors often develop deep in the breast tissue, causing pain in the back and ribs. It also becomes noticeable as the disease progresses more and more.

Aching and sensitive armpits

Female armpits

One of the first areas of the body that tells you they’re having breast cancer is the armpits. Many studies show that lymph nodes in the armpits can indicate its appearance, just as lymph nodes in the neck and throat can tell you about the flu.

Swollen and painful lymph nodes in the armpit can be an early symptom of breast cancer,  appearing much earlier than many other symptoms in the chest area.

The first thing to do is compare the armpits with each other and determine if there are any differences or abnormalities between them.

If you notice anything disturbing, see a doctor immediately. Of course, as in all cases, these symptoms may not always tell you that you have breast cancer.

Nipple changes

One of the most common areas of cancer that is breast cancer is below the nipple. The appearance of cancer in the breast tissue can change the appearance and sensitivity of the nipples.

The nipple can also take on a rare appearance and become more sensitive. Another, quite unambiguous symptom is discharge, blood or milk outside the lactation period. It appears when a tumor forms in or behind the milk canal. In both cases, early medical examinations and observations are essential.

Shape changes

Many women diagnosed with breast cancer have noticed significant changes in the shape of their breasts. For example, one breast remained round while the other was starting to take on a more oval shape.

There were also cases where women noticed changes in only one part of their breasts. Breast abnormalities become even more noticeable when the woman is wearing a bra. If you notice them,  see your doctor for a thorough examination of your breasts. 

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