Nail Biting And Its Consequences!

Nail biting, professionally called onychophagy, can be a serious problem that indicates an emotional imbalance. Check what the consequences are!
Nail biting and its consequences!

Nail biting is a habit that affects a large number of people around the world, regardless of age. There are many causes of nail biting, but most experts agree that stress is the most common cause.

According to statistics, nail biting affects 30% of children, 45% of adolescents, 25% of adults and 5% of the elderly. It is important to take into account not only aesthetic but also health consequences.

Many people cannot control themselves because nail biting is an unconditional reflex. It is worth noting that in such cases, depression can even develop. In this article, we will tell you about all the effects of this habit.

Nail biting and bacteria

nail biting and bacteria

Nails are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. It is a favorite place of Salmonella and E. coli. Biting your nails transports these pathogens into your mouth and therefore puts you at risk of infecting your entire body.

Remember that nails – because they are not easy to clean – can be up to twice as dirty as fingers.

Infections in the nails

Biting your nails increases the risk of developing rot, which is an infection of the skin around the nail plate. Bacteria, yeast and other microbes cause irritation, redness and great pain.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, nail biting is the main cause of this type of infection.


Toe warts are related to the human papillomavirus (HPV). They spread easily throughout the body. They are especially common in children who bite their nails regularly.

Dental problems

dental problems

Nail biting can cause the upper teeth to change their natural position. This unhealthy habit weakens the enamel and – over time – causes severe dental discomfort.

Low quality of life

Recent studies have shown that nail biting affects quality of life. Constant attempts to break with this habit cause nervous tension, which brings with it many negative emotions.

How to effectively combat this habit?

Trimming nails

Take into account that it is not that simple at all. There are some tips to help you fight this habit. Above all, it takes time and patience.

The most important thing is to be aware that this is a very unhealthy habit. It is also worth using one of the following methods.

  • Recognize the causes: If you are having stress problems, suffer from anxiety, bite your nails in front of the TV or while using the computer, be aware of this.
  • Cover Nails: It may not be pleasant, but it’s worth a try. Put duct tape on your nails or wrap your fingers with a bandage. Remember to change the strap several times a day to avoid moisture, bacteria and fungus.
  • Trim regularly: Try to get yourself a manicure and nail polish as often as possible.
  • Get yourself busy: Find activities that keep your hands full.
  • The homemade way: Brush your nails with something unpalatable that you don’t like: vinegar, spicy sauces, extremely bitter products, etc.

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