Dehydration And Its Fatal Consequences – Get To Know Them All!

In addition to the obvious fact of quenching thirst, water helps us maintain the proper condition of our brain, “lubricate” our muscles and get rid of impurities from our body. So you should be aware that dehydration can have serious negative effects.
Dehydration and its dire consequences - get to know them all!

You have probably heard many times before that dehydration is a dangerous situation. But have you ever wondered why this is so? Well, water is the basic element necessary for life.

Our body needs it to carry out chemical processes. It is also necessary for the absorption of nutrients and the removal of metabolic residues from our body.

And these are just a few of the most basic tasks. If, on the other hand, your body suffers from dehydration , all the functions described above will be disrupted almost immediately. This will immediately have serious consequences for your health.

Despite the dangers of dehydration, practically most people do not consume enough water a day.

Doing so over time can create a number of health problems that are difficult to diagnose and treat.

Consequently, apart from the mere appearance of inflammation of various organs of our body, there will be a risk of developing a chronic disease.

Drinking water

It is also possible to develop a wide variety of symptoms and complaints. At least some of them can significantly reduce the quality of life.

Dehydration is more dangerous than you think!

Doctors and specialists recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water a day (this is the average value). Of course, this amount includes not only pure water. Also natural fruit juices, fruits and soups, etc.

Consuming less water than recommended can cause dehydration and certain body responses that can cause all sorts of disturbing symptoms, both internal and external.

We are well aware that many people cannot correctly recognize the symptoms that indicate dehydration in their body. So, in our today’s article, we’ll go into detail about the implications of this.

So we invite you to read!

Dehydration and problems with the functioning of the digestive system

Digestive system problems are usually the first signs that your body may become dehydrated.

Abdominal pain

Ninety-eight percent of the gastric mucosa is made up of water. When its level is insufficient, this composition may be disrupted in favor of stomach acid.

In this case, the increase in acidity inside the stomach negatively affects its walls, causing indigestion and heartburn. In the long run, it also increases the chance of developing stomach ulcers and tumors.


It is estimated that 80% of the cartilage and connective tissue that protects our joints consists of water. For this reason, if you do not supply your body with the necessary amount of water, the condition and health of your joints are in immediate danger.

A person suffering from dehydration has a 60% higher chance of developing various types of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, among which arthritis and other inflammatory diseases are in the leading positions.

Dehydration can also affect the condition of your spine, specifically your intervertebral discs. If you don’t get enough water, you may experience a condition called a spinal hernia or a prolapse of the disc.

Dry mouth and dry skin

When it comes to external appearance and aesthetics in itself, dehydration is a condition that is really clearly visible at first glance. The delicate layer of skin that covers your lips becomes excessively dry.

If you still don’t receive the right amount of water, it will crack and your lips will become chapped, sore, and in more severe cases, they may also start bleeding even with minor injuries that you would not normally pay attention to.

Dry lips

At the same time, the skin changes its normal level of production of moisturizing oils, with the consequence that the lips will appear dull and dry.

Even if there are products on the market that are designed to moisturize the lips from the outside, it is much more important to provide them with the right amount of water from the inside.

Only then will you be able to prevent the unpleasant dryness of your lips.

Low energy levels

Ninety percent of blood plasma consists of water. At low levels of this vital fluid, the heart can have serious problems pumping blood and delivering oxygen to every cell in your body.

Because of this, your energy level can drop significantly, and you will start to see problems with achieving good physical and mental health. In other words, you will become lethargic, lazy and start having trouble concentrating.

Problems with the functioning of the kidneys

Given that the kidneys are the organ responsible for filtering waste products and producing urine, they are a very important part of your body.

Any irregularities in their functioning have a direct impact on your health.

As you might guess, the condition and performance of the kidneys is completely dependent on the amount of water they have at their disposal.


People who become dehydrated have high levels of toxins and other undesirable substances in their blood. This is because their kidneys just can’t keep up with filtering their blood due to a lack of enough water.

Such people also tend to complain of ailments caused by fluid retention in their body and distressing gas.

Dehydration increases the risk of urinary tract infections and also directly contributes to the formation of kidney stones.

Problems with the functioning of the circulatory system

Blood circulation is disrupted and slows down when your body is running out of water. After a few days of a shortage of this valuable substance, the blood may start to thicken, which stops in the veins, causing varicose veins, among other things.

It is very important to keep this situation under control because dehydration after a short time may increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

Reduction of muscle mass

Muscles need water to absorb nutrients properly and to keep their muscle fibers healthy.

A dehydrated body can lose a significant amount of muscle tissue. At the same time, you will also notice that your muscles become flaccid and the risk of their damage (e.g. tearing due to excessive exercise) increases significantly.


If you are in the process of exhausting strength training, you must remember to increase the amount of fluid you drink a day, even up to two times.

This will allow you to maintain an adequate level of electrolytes and will at the same time compensate for the loss of fluid associated with, among others, increased sweat secretion.

In addition, this way you will be able to avoid other unpleasant and sometimes troublesome ailments, such as flatulence.

Increasing the level of stress and the danger of becoming depressed

Dehydration of your body has a direct impact on your emotional health. Water deficiency in brain tissue increases cortisol levels and also increases overall stress levels.

This can lead to serious episodes of depression, and even transform them into a chronic form of this difficult to cure disease.

Feeling more hungry

Not having enough fluid in your body increases the feeling of hunger. This seems obvious as your body is trying to encourage you to replenish your fluid supply. So most of the time this leads to consuming more calories than is recommended in your daily diet.

  • Throughout the day, you feel the need to look in the refrigerator for those foods that contain water.
  • However, a more serious problem arises when these foods are slowly digested. This can result in a significant increase in body weight.
  • An even worse situation arises when you eat foods with a lot of salt. Because salt is able to bind water in your digestive system. As a result, not only will it not provide you with a better level of body hydration, but it will also deepen its dehydration.
  • Due to the lack of water, food is digested more slowly. And this can lead to a significant increase in kilograms of body weight.

How much water should you drink each day? On average, at least two liters.

But now that you know perfectly well some of the most important symptoms of dehydration, you will be able to adjust the amount of this essential dietary ingredient you need to maintain your health.

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