My Conscience Weighs More Than The Opinion Of Others

One of the factors essential to achieving well-being is prioritizing your conscience over other factors. Avoid injustice and let your values ​​guide you.
My conscience weighs more than the opinion of others

Some say there is no better pillow than a clear conscience. The idea behind it is as simple as it is true. The perception of oneself and the surrounding world should be full of harmony and balance.

Achieving inner harmony when everything you say and do aligns with your most important values ​​is a sign that your clear conscience is more important to you than the external pressure and opinions of other people.

Of course, you realize that in order to maintain a clear conscience, there are times when you have to get into personal conflicts that will remove you from certain backgrounds or social groups.

This personal and powerful component of your “I” requires you to go through various stages where you begin to understand step by step what is most important to you and prioritize accordingly.

We suggest you reflect on it today.

A clean conscience has great power

Some people don’t. Some people cannot sleep well because their conscience is bothering them.

Someone did not forgive them, they acted in bad faith, they did not give money to someone, they gave up or ran away when something was required of them… no doubt such people experience deep and sometimes complex discomfort.

Interesting concept of consciousness

One of the greatest experts in the field of consciousness research was William James. This famous philosopher and psychologist at the end of the 19th century was the brother of Henry James and proposed dividing consciousness into three components:


Here we find all the aspects of the personality that we ascribe to ourselves. This is where self-respect is born, along with the awareness of who we are, what we like and what we avoid.

Pure ego

A more spiritual and personal dimension . A deeper part of who we are that we are not fully aware of at times. It is an instinct that tells you that something that has happened is “not good” and that you need to react.

A changing ego

Here you notice changes during your life cycle that sometimes allow you to discover new ways to integrate certain aspects of your personality and consciousness.

Never forget that people grow up every day and experiences are learning.

Transparent people in space

Consciousness is a subtle combination of these aspects. You have your own value system that can change over the years, but you always have some sort of “inner compass” to help you identify unfair situations, for example.

Risk of disregarding the voice of your conscience

Thanks to William James, we know that consciousness is ingrained in our being. It guides you and allows you to change and learn, and right from wrong. Perhaps at this point you are wondering why some people act as if they are not listening to their conscience.

Some of the possible reasons are:

  • When one is more focused on the outside world, guided mainly by what other people say or wanting to satisfy others without listening to themselves.
  • When someone’s conscience weighs less than external factors, which causes rejection, discomfort, malaise, and a problem with self-esteem.
  • When someone focuses only on their own needs in a purely selfish way and does not look at others.
  • As you know, awareness is created by your values ​​and almost your instinctive responses to what is right and what is wrong.
  • However, we can meet people who do not listen to their conscience because they focus only on their own well-being without thinking about values ​​and without understanding what is noble and admirable.
Folded hands among butterflies and flowers

Learn to listen to your conscience

There is nothing healthier and more enriching than listening to your conscience every day. You can go through a life that is then full of harmony, and activities are carried out in accordance with the most important values.

Sometimes, however, the opinions of others may hold you back, as well as beaten wisdom or outside expectations.

So try to remember these simple tips:

  • If your conscience tells you to go, don’t stop.
  • If he tells you to tell the truth, don’t lie.
  • If he tells you to protect yourself, don’t give up.
  • If he tells you to stay and help, then don’t go.
  • If it tells you to take a risk, don’t be afraid.

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