Homemade Carrot Remedy To Reduce Stretch Marks On The Skin

It turns out that the carrot treatment for stretch marks brings visible results. Beta-carotene and vitamin A contained in it affect the regeneration of tissues, and the other ingredients used in the treatment support the process of eliminating stretch marks.
Carrot treatment for stretch marks

Stretch marks that usually appear around the thighs, abdomen and breasts will be significantly reduced after using this simple carrot treatment.

Stretch marks are not only a problem of beautiful appearance, in women they are also often a cause of lower self-esteem, especially during the summer season, which is the season of wearing bikinis or more skimpy clothes that reveal the body.

This natural carrot remedy reduces stretch marks. Its results are so positive that it is worth trying before reaching for more drastic methods, such as surgical intervention. Carrot treatment for stretch marks can be used in parallel with daily beauty treatments.

We invite you to read the article below. We hope you find it helpful.

Carrot treatment for stretch marks: when nature begins to care for your skin

stretch marks on the skin

When it comes to the skin benefits of carrots, your first thought is that carrots help to get a tan.

However, the beneficial effects of carrots are not just about skin, as they are much wider. After reading the following points, you will be amazed at what properties this vegetable has:

Stretch marks are caused by the breaking of elastic fibers in the skin. Initially reddish in color, however, they turn purple or whitish over time.

Carrot treatment for stretch marks provides plenty of nutrients for the skin, regenerates tissues and eliminates blemishes.

Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene and vitamin A. Compared to other vegetables, carrots, like parsley, contain the most nutrients. For this reason, this vegetable is great for caring for the skin, eliminating blemishes and reducing inflammation.

Recipe for a carrot treatment for stretch marks

carrot mixture in a jar

6 ingredients are needed to prepare a carrot treatment for stretch marks:


To prepare the stretch mark cream, you will need 2 carrots and 5 other ingredients. The cream should last for a week, so include it in your daily beauty routine.


It is a medicinal plant known for its nutritional properties supporting the regeneration of damaged skin.

  • Aloe fights stretch marks by softening their appearance and preventing new stretch marks from forming in troublesome areas such as the thighs and abdomen.
  • It moisturizes the tissues and provides them with nutrients, which supports the regeneration process. This effect is made possible by the fact that aloe vera contains magnesium lactate, which prevents the breakdown of collagen, promotes circulation, and thus prevents the formation of these characteristic red and white stripes on the skin.

An avocado

avocado for stretch marks

Avocados are packed full of nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, E, and B₁, as well as powerful antioxidants. Having this content makes avocado a commonly used ingredient in skin regenerating creams.

Avocados in combination with carrots create a unique treatment for stretch marks.

Rosehip Oil

The use of rosehip oil is a natural treatment for stretch marks and scars. It is important to find in a natural products store 100% natural rosehip oil that has been cold pressed so that it has not lost any of its natural composition. It is best to use such a product in the treatment.

Almond oil

Almond oil nourishes and regenerates the skin, restoring its elasticity and firmness. After using this oil in combination with other ingredients of the treatment, you will see amazing results.

Field horsetail

Horsetail, as one of the herbs that contain the greatest amount of silicone in all nature, is another component of the treatment for stretch marks. Thanks to the silicone content, horsetail stimulates collagen production and regenerates tissues more effectively.

Stretch mark treatment

aloe and a teaspoon


  • 2 cooked carrots
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe extract (15 g)
  • 10 drops of rosehip oil
  • 5 drops of almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon of avocado (30 g)
  • 2 bags of horsetail tea
  • 5 tablespoons of water (50 ml)


  • First, brew the horsetail. You will only need 50 ml of water for this, which is less than what a small glass measures, because the stock has to be very concentrated. Set aside when ready.
  • Then overcook the carrots to make a thin cream. Carrots, avocados and aloe extract, blend in a blender until smooth.
  • Put the blended mass into a bowl and add the horsetail decoction and oils.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and put it into a glass container.

Apply the carrot cream to the areas with stretch marks every evening. Leave blood on for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. You will notice the first effects after a few weeks.

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