Don’t Give Priority To Someone Who Treats You Like An Option

Our own emotional shortcomings mean that we give priority to people who don’t really appreciate us at all. We should be aware of our own worth and learn to demand from others the respect we deserve.
Don't give priority to someone who treats you as an option

Don’t give priority to someone who doesn’t value you enough. You have to give yourself the importance you deserve. Don’t give your affection to someone who doesn’t know how to accept it. Love those who always love you, without selfishness and willingness to take advantage of you.

For it happens – and very often – that selfishness does not miraculously turn into gratitude, no matter how much we wish it to be. No matter how much we would look forward to it and expect it after so much dedication.

When your relationship with another person is healthy and relevant, it is very easy to keep your relationship in balance. However, very often we cover our eyes and let ourselves be carried away by the current of life. We want to enjoy what we consider ideal without taking our own needs into account.

Being victims of selfishness, we turn into the second course

butterfly man

It very often happens that at some point in our lives we become a victim of someone else’s selfishness. We become a less important person, we go to the background. We are starting to be only an option, fully dependent on the interest of others, or the lack of it.

Usually, it takes a while to realize this because we float and float with the flow of the relationship. It turns out, however, that our present is being ruined step by step, feeding on empty hopes that never come true.

The truth is, if someone doesn’t give us the affection we deserve now, they probably never will. For such things do not happen suddenly, as by magic. It is as if we are embraced by an ancient memory that has no future.

The lack of interest and affection on the part of the other person clearly shows us that something is wrong. It is natural, however, that admitting it to ourselves takes a long time and is almost always painful.

Earth woman

Psychological pain as a result of a bad relationship

Time is the best teacher who can open our eyes perfectly. It helps us to grasp the right perspective and assess the mistakes made by ourselves and by people around us. It is not easy at all. In fact, it can cause us unimaginable pain.

It is about the emotional pain that torments our mind. Disappointment, betrayal, a lie, a broken heart, or a painful loss cause suffering that tears us apart from the inside.

For centuries, this kind of suffering has been the subject of songs and poems that plunge us even deeper into the depths of despair. A despair so well known to all of us.

Dried flower against the light

These days, these poetry and songs of mourning are called neurophysiological research. Scientists are trying to find out how psychological pain affects our mind.

Interestingly, when our “heart” breaks and negative emotions flood our body, exactly the same center is activated in our brain that activates during physical pain. Therefore, there is no exaggeration to say that love hurts.

Our neurotransmitters suffer great pain when everything becomes complicated and something breaks inside us.

The areas of the brain that perceive physical pain take the same path as emotional pain, because harm to either of these two areas activates the prefrontal cortex.

This is another weighty reason to stop ignoring our emotional wounds and stop mistakenly believing that they will heal themselves.

Heart - flowers

Unfortunately, we are very used to pushing our relationship problems to the background. This, in turn, causes the pain to somehow instill in us, complicating everything even more.

Hiding won’t help us. On the contrary, it prevents us from experiencing relief, which it has been proven worries our mind even more, making us feel worse.

When you hold a grudge against someone, you are in a sense attached to that person or the situation in which you are hurt by an emotional bond stronger than steel. To forgive is the only way to break this bond and achieve true freedom.

Do not be robbed of your personal dignity

When someone is treating us only as an alternative, it is a clear sign that it is time to start thinking about goodbye. It has nothing to do with being proud, it is just about personal dignity. If we lose it, we will also lose ourselves, destroy our identity, and trample our love for ourselves.

Relationships based on respect and the balance of meeting each other’s needs are more authentic, free, strong and internally enriching.

It happens that we lose our own dignity by mistakenly thinking that something will compensate us, or we simply block ourselves in the face of difficult situations, having no idea how to react. Sometimes we also become victims of manipulation, dominant personalities, or a toxic relationship.

We get used to the fact that we give priority to someone for whom we are only an option. We are alienated from ourselves by being in an asymmetrical relationship. Do not do this. Don’t give priority to someone for whom you are only an option.

Love, attention and affection from another person are something that must not be asked for.

Therefore, we must be clear that only people who influence us deserve a place in our lives. People who do not take advantage of our weaknesses and who love ours purely and sincerely.

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