Parasites In The Human Body: Symptoms Proving Their Presence – Step To Health

To avoid the multiplication of parasites in our body, we must pay close attention to the diet we choose. We must avoid eating sugar and artificial, processed foods. Rather, you should eat high-fiber foods to help eliminate parasites.
Parasites in the human body: symptoms that testify to their presence

Contrary to what many people think, parasites in the human body are a very common problem. It is not just about the poorest countries in the world.

In fact, parasites inhabit more than 3 billion people worldwide – this is data provided by the WHO – World Health Organization.

Depending on the type, parasites in the human body can feed on red blood cells – thus causing anemia, the food we eat – causing malnutrition or preventing the excretion of toxins accumulated in the body.

Most people who develop the parasite contract it by drinking contaminated water or eating inadequately cleaned food. There are, however, other routes of contagion.

When parasites appear in the human body, they multiply in the intestines and cause a whole series of unpleasant symptoms. They significantly worsen the quality of life and may have a negative impact on our relationships.

In today’s article, we will reveal to you nine warning signs that can help you detect parasites in the human body. This will allow you to get rid of these uninvited guests faster and prevent various disturbances.

1. The parasite in the human body and sleep disorders

As most people realize, sleep disturbance can be associated with many physical and mental factors. All of this has to do with disturbed secretion of the melatonin hormone .

For many reasons, the truth is that parasites in the human body can make a big difference in how we sleep. Their presence may lead, inter alia, to:

  • involuntary bed wetting
  • waking up suddenly at night
  • nocturnal teeth grinding
  • insomnia
    Sleep disorders and parasites

2. Skin problems

Many ailments that affect our body affect how our skin looks, causing its disorders and deterioration of its condition.

When the parasites in the human body begin their activity and multiply rapidly, disorders such as:

  • skin wounds and cracks
  • dry skin
  • pustules and pimples
  • eczema
  • rash

3. Feeling tired

Parasites in the human body rob the body of energy. No wonder then that as a result of their presence there are stages of fatigue, depression and a strong feeling of exhaustion, which even makes it impossible to lead a normal life.

4. Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder that includes symptoms such as abdominal pain, feeling of heaviness, indigestion, and diarrhea or constipation.

The woman suffers from abdominal pain and parasites

Although the cause of this condition has not yet been established, in many cases it is believed that intestinal parasites may be the culprits.

5. Digestive disorders

Parasites in the human body cause serious disturbances in the mucosa of our stomach and intestines. It is through it that we absorb valuable nutrients provided to our body through what we eat.

When there are disturbances in the structure of the cells that make up the gastric mucosa, various disorders may appear, including:

  • food allergies and intolerances
  • abdominal inflammation
  • often recurring abdominal pain
  • digestive difficulties

6. Inflammation

Hand inflammation and parasites

The presence of parasites in the body can cause widespread inflammation in the tissues of our body. This, in turn, can lead to disorders such as:

  • arthritis
  • pain in the chest
  • muscle cramps
  • tingling and numbness in the hands and feet
  • heartache
  • pain around the navel and in the middle of the abdomen

7. Inability to control body weight

Sudden, rapid weight loss is viewed by many as a win-win. It turns out, however, that behind such a phenomenon may be a serious problem related to the appearance of parasites.

They very often prevent the proper absorption of nutrients. It is they who nourish themselves with valuable ingredients that we provide to the body through the food we eat.

As a consequence, parasites multiply and grow much faster, which in turn has a very negative impact on our health and the functioning of the entire body.

This is how the feeling of uncontrolled hunger appears. If we satisfy it, it causes weight gain and even obesity in the long run.

8. Mental disorders

When parasites appear in the human body, they can have a very negative impact on our psyche,  thought processes and the overall functioning of the nervous system.

Among the symptoms that may appear then, it is worth mentioning:

  • anxiety, restlessness and stress
  • depression
  • nervousness
  • sudden mood swings
  • memory loss

9. Disorders of the reproductive system

In many cases, parasites in the human body are responsible for various disorders of the urinary and reproductive systems. This very often reduces the quality of life of those affected.

The female reproductive system and parasites

 Here are the most common symptoms:

  • premenstrual syndrome
  • irregular menstruation and menstrual disorders
  • prostate problems
  • cysts
  • fibroids
  • fluid retention in the body
  • frequent, recurring urinary tract infections

Parasites in the human body – how to get rid of them?

When you detect the presence of these unwanted organisms, it would be best to go to your doctor to study your case, determine the type of parasite and start an appropriate treatment.

As an adjunct to treatment, avoid sugar  – eliminate it entirely from your diet if possible. Additionally, increase your fiber intake, a nutrient that helps eliminate intestinal parasites.

What’s more, it is also worth reaching for certain products that help fight parasites. It is best if they appear on your menu for good. These are among others:

  • blackberries
  • coconut oil
  • pumpkin seeds
  • aloe
  • papaya
  • ginger
  • pineapple
  • Chinese cabbage
  • pomegranate seeds

Either way, be sure to pay attention to any symptoms that indicate the presence of parasites. Because if you detect them early, it will be much easier to fight them. This way you will effectively take care of your health.

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