Tomatoes In Jars – Why And How To Make Them?

Tomatoes in jars - why and how to make them?

Tomatoes are popular all over the world. Whether in sauces, spreads or, of course, ketchup – tomato has become a staple ingredient in thousands of recipes. Today we will talk about how to make tomatoes in jars and why!

What happens when you prepare tomatoes in jars?

Passata, canned tomatoes and preserves are great products to have on hand. If you keep them in your pantry, they can be useful for a long time.

tomatoes in jars

How to prepare tomatoes in jars

Believe it or not, making your own tomato preserves is very simple.

recipe for tomatoes in jars

Here’s how to do it:

  1. In a large pot, cook the tomatoes for a few minutes. What we do in this step is soften the skin to make it easier to peel the tomatoes. Tip: A helpful trick to peel tomatoes is to cut out the X on the bottom of the tomato before you start cooking it. As a result, the skin softens better and more evenly.
  2. After cooking for about two minutes (ripe tomatoes take less time), take the tomatoes out of the pan and put them in a bowl with very cold water to stop the cooking process. Then remove the crust. A great option to speed up this process is to add ice cubes to the bowl. After the tomatoes have cooled, it will be much easier to remove the peel. It also helps to keep the color and flavor better.
  3. You don’t need to remove the seeds or any internal parts. Cut the peeled tomatoes into quarters and put them in a glass jar with a lid. Fill the jar to the end. You can press down the tomatoes a bit to fit even more.
  4. Once all the tomatoes are in the jar, fill it with water almost to the end. Add a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar. In addition to the taste, it will help the tomatoes keep for longer.
  5. Wipe the rim of the jar clean and seal it tightly. It is best to use special jars designed for preserves. These types of jars have a special ring around the tip that ensures watertightness.
  6. After closing, place the jar in a pot of boiling water. The pot should be large enough to hold the jar so that it is completely covered.
  7. After it is completely submerged in water, boil the jar for 45 minutes.
  8. Remove the jar from the water and leave it overnight or for at least 24 hours.
  9. After 24 hours, keep your preserves at room temperature, out of direct sunlight. Now you can use your homemade preserves all year round.

Why is it good to prepare tomato preserves?

Preparing products in bottles or preserves has always been the best way to keep them fresh. Whether they are tomatoes, peppers or olives – there are many reasons to prepare them this way.

tomato preserves

Some of the benefits of bottling food include:

  • glass is hygienic,
  • this method of preparation does not disturb the taste,
  • there is no interference of oxygen or other gases in the process; it is practically impossible to oxidize or damage food,
  • food stays fresh for much longer than normal
  • preserves are resistant to high and low temperatures, so you can prepare many dishes in this way,
  • preserves can be easily stored and used,
  • you don’t have to worry about microorganisms,
  • food retains its fragrance and freshness.

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