Losing Weight – Helpful And Healthy Food Products

It is important to include fiber and protein-rich foods as part of a low-calorie diet. This will make you feel full and help you lose weight. If that’s what you care about – follow this article carefully. 
Weight Loss - Helpful and Healthy Foods

Losing weight does not have to be associated with murderous training and metabolism pills. Nature has equipped us with a whole lot of useful and useful products for this. So first, get to know the nutritious foods that will help you lose weight and achieve your weight goal. Find out more in this article.

Losing weight in a healthy way can be fun if you follow these tips, outlined below.

First of all, keep in mind that not all calories are created equal. Until recently, many nutritionists believed that this is the case, that many products are similar in calories to each other.

Basically, this is the energy balance hypothesis: we become obese because we eat more than we burn. The formula, this one, is the only one that has been explained by obesity for decades. But according to nutritionist José María Ordovás and other experts, this concept is limited and inherently wrong.

10 Foods for Healthy Weight Loss

It is difficult to make food choices for weight loss. There are many foods that are not recommended in any way for a weight loss diet.

But we will introduce you to those that are approved by health institutions, scientists and have been tested on the examples of many people. Their successful slimming effect has been confirmed on large groups of subjects.

1. Avocados and weight loss

This universal and nutritious product can be included in a wide range of preparations that we can include in our regular diet.

Avocados are full of healthy fats and are great as an ingredient in salads. They are especially rich in monounsaturated oleic acid, the same type of fat found in olive oil.

Avocado and egg on sandwiches

They also contain a lot of water, so their energy density is not that high. At the same time, they are rich in important nutrients, including fiber and potassium. For this reason, when consuming avocados, we will feel more saturated, and we will not feel the need to snack for the next few hours.

2 eggs

Eggs, like fats, are experiencing a second youth thanks to new research. They have not been proven to raise cholesterol levels, nor is it true that they increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Fried egg

Moreover, eggs are an excellent food in a weight loss diet. They are rich in protein and healthy fats. They also exhibit important satiating and nutritional power, according to a study published in the journal Appetite.

3. Fruit and weight loss

The fruits are very filling and rich in essential nutrients. Although they contain sugar, they are essential in the diet because they play a great role as a dessert.

People who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables are healthier than people who shun them. First of all, remember that fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

4. Legumes in a slimming diet

Legumes are vegetables rich in protein and fiber, which are very filling and definitely not fattening. The healthiest among them are: lentils and pinto beans (richer in fiber). It is also worth mentioning chickpeas.

The problem with legumes is that both in Poland and Spain we tend to cook them with a lot of fat. Let us beware of these habits.

5. Lean poultry and beef

The high protein content of the meat makes it an ideal food for weight loss diets.

Meat has been unfairly demonized when in fact cuts with less fat are ideal for the weight loss process. However, let’s ignore processed meats, such as sausages or ready-made sausages.

Chicken and beef can be essential in any diet. They are filling and will kill your hunger for hours. Various studies, including those published in Physiology & Behavior, show that increasing your protein intake by about 25% can significantly reduce your cravings, making it impossible to snack between meals.

6. Weight loss and vegetables and cruciferous plants

Like other vegetables, cruciferous vegetables are high in fiber and tend to be an incredibly satisfying product for your appetite. In addition, these types of vegetables also contain significant amounts of protein and other nutrients that modulate the levels of inflammation in the body.

Cruciferous vegetables and weight loss

Thanks to the combination of fiber, protein and low energy density, cruciferous vegetables are the perfect food for those trying to lose weight.

Losing weight – what other products to reach for?

7. Salmon: an essential food for healthy weight loss

Like meat, salmon provides high-quality protein and heart-healthy fats.

Salmon is rich not only in healthy fats, but also in high-quality protein. It contains many essential nutrients. It is the food that will satisfy your appetite. It will keep you full for hours on a low calorie basis, helping to lower your blood pressure.

In addition, salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help to improve the blood lipid profile. It is an important determinant of obesity and metabolic diseases.

8. yogurt and cottage cheese

For a long time, people who wanted to lose weight were advised to reduce their dairy intake due to its high fat content. But aside from the fact that fat is not so bad for us, not all dairy products are created equal. 


Let’s not forget about the traditional natural yoghurt, which is rich in fat and increases the feeling of fullness in us. It can replace any unhealthy dish, keeping us full at a low caloric level. We should avoid these flavored yoghurts, which unfortunately contain a lot of sugar.

First of all, this type of food is rich in probiotics, live bacteria that can improve the composition of the gut microbiota. The increase in flora biodiversity is associated with a lower risk of obesity and inflammation. Keep this tip in mind.

9. Soups in our healthy diet

Soups lower the caloric content of our diet, while providing us with adequate satiety.

  • The more food fills us up in proportion to its calorific value, the better it is for the intention of losing our weight. So the only thing that is not fattening is water.
  • Therefore, if we add water to our food, we will consume fewer calories by filling up significantly. So we will eat less for the rest of the day.

10. Nuts are your allies for healthy weight loss

Despite being high in calories, nuts are an excellent snack, containing protein, fiber and healthy fats. Several epidemiological studies, such as those published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition , have found that people who eat them are healthier and thinner.

Nevertheless, we should eat nuts in moderation. A handful each day will be perfect. In turn, a whole packet of nuts – not necessarily. Moderation will be the golden mean to success. 

Introducing slimming food into the diet – summary

Finally, we hope these recommendations will help and encourage you to follow a healthy weight loss diet without unnecessary chemical boosters.

Don’t forget that regular exercise will help you increase your weight loss and improve your health.

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