Closing The Pores Of The Skin The Easy Way

Even if you don’t wear makeup, it’s still important to thoroughly cleanse your face every night to eliminate dirt and toxins that build up on your skin throughout the day. It is also worth using a moisturizing cream.
Closing the pores of the skin the easy way

Closing the pores of the skin is one of the basic methods of keeping the skin young and healthy, which is one of the main goals of cosmetic use by women. So when we stand in front of the mirror and see the wide-open pores on the skin, we hurriedly apply a thick layer of makeup.

Well-groomed and matte skin can make you look much younger. Seeing yourself in a mirror and be surprised by what you see in it is an extremely rewarding experience.

The small pores give the impression that the skin looks younger and smoother. There are a number of home remedies that can help you  close your pores and make them appear smaller.

Some methods of closing pores rely on external skin care, while others require dietary adjustment and proper skin hydration. While there is no “miracle cure” that can completely eliminate this problem, we know of many different ways to reduce it and even hide it temporarily.

Why are the pores of the skin open?

One of the main causes of open skin pores is the way we treat and care for our skin. Skin damaged by overexposure to sunlight is much more prone to pore opening.

This circumstance also causes a deterioration in its elasticity and a reduction in the collagen content (which acts as a natural skin cleanser), which can cause the pores to open wider.

Another factor that causes wide-open pores is the type of skin we have. Normal, dry skin has a much lower tendency to open pores. On the other hand, if your complexion is oily or oily, your pores will open to their full width more often and more easily.

Age is another factor that plays an important role in this regard. Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, which causes the pores to become larger. The natural skin renewal process becomes less effective. At the same time, the skin becomes softer and weaker due to many years of exposure to external factors.

Natural ways to close the pores of the skin

Skin care - closing pores

If closing the pores of the skin seems too complicated for you, there are several natural ways to try. They can help you achieve a younger looking skin. You don’t have to run to the pharmacy right away and spend a fortune on various drugs to combat this problem.

The most effective methods for closing the pores of the skin using natural ingredients are as follows:

Drink adequate amounts of water

Drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) of water every day. Juices and teas don’t count for this: try drinking two liters of plain water each day. Your body needs to be properly hydrated so that it can function properly.

Your skin also needs to be properly hydrated to keep the pores from opening –  which are just begging for help!

Consume large amounts of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant. Consuming vitamin C in the right doses will provide you with many health benefits, especially for your skin. The easiest way to get vitamin C is to eat citrus fruit.

Choose your favorites, but remember not to overdo them with them.



Another very effective natural remedy for closing skin pores is an almond mask. Applying almond flour to your skin will help to open up the pores and reduce their size.

However, if you can’t find this product in your supermarket, don’t worry – just make almond flour on your own! Here’s a simple way to prepare it.


  • 1/3 cup of almonds
  • Water

A method of preparing

  1. First, blend the almonds in a blender until they are fully powdered.
  2. Pour the almond flour into a bowl and add some water to it. Not much, just as much as needed to create a homogeneous paste.
  3. Apply this paste to your skin where your pores are open and leave it on for about half an hour.
  4. Rinse the mask thoroughly with warm water.

You can repeat this process twice a week and you will see how effectively this paste is at closing the pores of the skin.

Wash your make-up thoroughly every day

You should never go to bed with makeup on your face. It is prepared with the use of numerous oils and chemicals that may be harmful to the inner side of your skin.

When you come home from work or a party, make sure to remove your makeup thoroughly. If you run out of your favorite dishwashing product, nature will always provide you with what you need at the moment.

For example, you can use a cotton ball soaked in olive oil to remove makeup. After that, you just need to wash your face well with cold water and you’re done.

Wash your face thoroughly at least twice a day. You can try the following method which is quick and easy to apply. It is best to use it in the morning and evening after removing makeup. It will definitely become your big ally when it comes to closing the pores of the skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal
  • ½ tablespoon of natural yoghurt
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

A method of preparing

  1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well until a homogeneous paste is obtained.
  2. Then soak a cotton pad in the mixture prepared in this way and cleanse your face with it.
  3. Finally, wash your face with cool water.

Carry out facial peeling regularly

Skin peeling

In the confusion and hustle and bustle of each subsequent day and late returns home, the procedure using the methods described above may seem difficult to you.

In that case, you should prioritize yourself. However, remember that something that you must not ignore is the process of cleansing and peeling the skin of the face. Follow the procedure described below at least once a week, this will make closing the pores of the skin a quick and effective habit.


  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

A method of preparing

  1. Stir all ingredients vigorously until the honey and sugar are completely dissolved in the lemon juice.
  2. Scoop up a little of the mixture on your fingertips, then massage it thoroughly into the skin of your face and neck with small, circular motions.
  3. Finally, wash your face with cool water.

Always use sun protection

You should never expose your skin to sunlight without proper protection. Always use sunscreen with an SPF of 40 or higher for your face.

However, it is best to avoid completely exposing your skin to sunlight during the day. But if you do have to do that, the best solution is to use a really good sunshade.

The sun is very harmful to your skin and, what’s more, it can also cause skin diseases such as skin cancer. Moreover, your skin will age much faster if you regularly expose it to the sun without proper protection.

Develop healthy habits

Don’t give up on your skin care routine.  Every possible way of pampering it, everything thanks to which you will take care of closing the pores of the skin, is recommendable.

If you are in the habit of preparing your face mask on the weekends, follow it.

Finally, we have advice for all busy women. If you are unable to carry out regular skincare routines because you do not have the time or the inclination to do so, at least drink adequate amounts of water regularly, remove makeup every night and use sun protection. Thanks to this, you will notice a noticeable improvement in the appearance of your skin, including the gradual closing of the skin pores over a period of several weeks.

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