Exercise In Pregnancy: What Should You Remember?

Exercise during pregnancy: what should you remember?

Exercising during pregnancy has many health benefits. However, before starting them, you must obtain a doctor’s approval and take appropriate precautions, especially if you have not been very active before.

Is Exercise While Pregnant a Good Idea? Some people believe that pregnant women should rest and do nothing. Others, on the other hand, think that every pregnant woman must be as active as possible.

Experts agree that you should exercise while pregnant. However, you need to be aware that not all disciplines are suitable for this. Besides, you shouldn’t be constantly on the move.

However, it cannot be denied that exercise during pregnancy has many benefits. They can improve your mood, reduce back pain, prevent joint problems, and stabilize bowel movements. So what kind of physical activity can you do so as not to harm your child?

Read on to find out.

Exercise in pregnancy and their intensity

First of all, you should always consult with your doctor so that he can help you create the correct exercise plan. If you exercised or played a lot of sports before getting pregnant, all you need to do is adjust your training accordingly.

If, on the other hand, you have been sedentary, you need to start with calm and simple exercises and gradually increase their intensity.

Exercise during pregnancy
There are several contraindications that prevent you from exercising while pregnant, so you should always consult your doctor before starting exercise.

In general, virtually any woman can be physically active during pregnancy. Exercise is only not advisable if:

  • There is vaginal bleeding,
  • You have early contractions
  • Expectant mother suffers from pregnancy-induced hypertension,
  • The fetal bladder tears early (i.e. when the water begins to break off).

First trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult for many women. Stop if you feel very tired or experience frequent dizziness and vomiting. Exercise is not a priority at this point. If you feel up to it, a simple walk is enough.

The best way to start exercising, especially if you haven’t been physically active before, is to choose body and mind exercises, such as yoga for pregnant women, exercises with resistance bands, and Pilates. There are many changes in your body during the first three months of pregnancy, so you shouldn’t overload yourself.

Playing sports is only recommended if you did it before you became pregnant. However, avoid contact sports. The best way to be active at this stage is to walk quickly, especially over mountainous terrain. Another great way to stay active is to climb stairs.

Second trimester

The second trimester is the best time to exercise during pregnancy. Most often, physical activity is recommended that will help you develop strength and endurance. However, it is not recommended to lift heavy weights and engage in contact sports.

Walking briskly still remains the best physical exercise in pregnancy. Besides, swimming is an excellent alternative. All because swimming:

Pregnant woman in the swimming pool
Swimming and hydrotherapy are very helpful exercises that are worth doing during pregnancy.
  • Strengthens the circulatory and respiratory systems,
  • Helps to control weight gain,
  • Reduces the intensity of back pain,
  • It helps build muscles.

In addition to this, it is also recommended to exercise your Kegel muscles regularly. In turn, practicing pilates and yoga during pregnancy helps to strengthen the muscles of the uterine fundus . You can also ride an exercise bike for 20 minutes three times a week (unless your doctor recommends it).

Third trimester

Exercising during the third trimester is slightly more complicated due to the size and weight of the abdomen. It reduces the range of motion and makes it difficult to find balance. It’s not good to sit and do nothing, but on the other hand, you shouldn’t overload yourself.

Walking will be perfect at this stage. This is the best way to stay in shape. Doctors also recommend yoga and pilates exercises. However, to do them, you need to add sessions that focus on postural control and breathing.

Exercise and Pregnancy: A Summary

During each stage of pregnancy, you should follow a proper diet and make sure you drink the right amount of water while exercising. In addition, you must wear appropriate clothes, especially a well-fitting and comfortable bra. Stand up slowly when exercising in a sitting position, especially if you are exercising on the floor.

Pregnant women should not engage in sports such as water skiing, scuba diving or intense aerobics. In addition, rocket sports, rhythmic gymnastics and horse riding should only be practiced in small amounts and only if the woman practiced in this way before becoming pregnant.

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