Indigestion – What Is It Like And How To Treat It?

In order to avoid indigestion, you should refrain from consuming dairy products, sugars and all kinds of cold meats. These products help to retain toxins in our body, and thus the development of various infections.
Indigestion - what is it manifested and how to treat it?

Indigestion – technically known as dyspepsia – is a set of symptoms that can appear at any time, not just around the holiday season or just after a heavy meal. Very often, this ailment occurs in the summer period, when, during hot weather and increased air humidity, bacteria and viruses easily penetrate our body and multiply faster.

Today we want to show you what indigestion is , what its symptoms are, how to treat it using only natural products and how to prevent it and how to avoid its unpleasant consequences.

It is worth realizing that indigestion is not just any ailment that can be underestimated and wait for it to pass by itself. On the contrary – in many cases the consequences of gastric disorders can become the cause of serious diseases, and in some cases even loss of life.

Hence, awareness and knowledge about the functioning of the stomach and the development of indigestion and other similar infections play such an important role. It can prove extremely useful especially in the case of children and the elderly, who are particularly at risk of fatal dehydration.

Indigestion – what are its causes?

Severe stomach pain
  • Typically, the main causes of indigestion are viruses, bacteria and intestinal parasites that enter our digestive tract through food, contaminated water, and in many cases also through contact with other infected people.
  • Each indigestion can take a completely different form, depending on the microorganisms that cause it and the general condition of our body at the time of infection. If we are healthy and our immune system is strong, it is very likely that we will be able to avoid or deal with the infection quickly.
  • The most common bacteria that cause indigestion are Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Shigella. These harmful microorganisms enter our body along with the food we supply and attack primarily the intestines.
  • When they get into the mouth and stomach, they manifest themselves in the form of unpleasant symptoms, similar in each case.

How does indigestion usually manifest?

Digestive disorders
  • Sudden loss of appetite . We completely lose our appetite even for our favorite dishes and delicacies.
  • There is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, overeating, even if we have not eaten a large meal before. Additionally, it is accompanied by burning pain.
  • The stomach makes various noisy noises. Our stomachs rumble and we feel the exact food we eat sweep through our intestines.
  • There is severe abdominal pain.
  • Cold shivers begin to pass through us.
  • Headache and drowsiness appear.
  • We feel great physical fatigue, even exhaustion.
  • The rape of the body temperature rises. There is a fever .
  • If the infection is caused by Salmonella, Escherichia coli or Shigella bacteria, we can see traces of blood in the stool. Usually, severe diarrhea also appears in this case.
  • When infection is caused by protozoa of the Giardias species, no diarrhea occurs. The main symptom of such an infection is sudden and unreasonable weight loss.

How to behave in the face of indigestion?

The first and most important step to take in the face of indigestion is to see a doctor as soon as possible. He will help you determine the cause of the infection and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Remember that even seemingly trivial stomach infections can turn out to be very dangerous for our body, especially those caused by Salmonella or Escherichia coli bacteria.

The defense of our body against attacks by bacteria and viruses, however, depends on our overall health and the body’s acquired immunity. Hence, special attention should be paid to indigestion in children and the elderly, who are particularly prone to states of weakened immune system.

The most effective natural ways to fight indigestion

Healing chamomile infusion
  • Limit the consumption of dairy products, sugars, refined flour, fried food, all kinds of meats … All these products are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and promote the accumulation of toxins in our body, which in turn are the direct cause of many unpleasant ailments and diseases.
  • Start your day with a raw clove of garlic on an empty stomach, then drink a glass of water. Such a mixture is the best natural antibiotic that perfectly cleanses our body of toxins and other harmful metabolic products and helps to avoid many diseases.
  • For breakfast, eat fruit that supports the work of the stomach and strengthens its mucous membranes. The best and healthiest solutions for our digestive system are apples (without the skin) and papaya .
  • Try to keep your daily diet “soft” – avoid eating red meat and increase your consumption of soups and natural smoothies.
  • If you have diarrhea, make a healing juice based on apple juice, lemon and a pinch of salt. See for yourself that this is the best natural way to avoid dehydration and provide your body with valuable nutrients. Prepare a liter of drink and sip it throughout the day.
  • Skip your daily activities for three days and spend them resting. Your body needs relaxation and energy to fight an infection that develops in your digestive tract.
  • Specialists recommend consuming chamomile, mint leaves, lemon, echinacea or dandelion infusions during indigestion . They are effective in helping to fight infection. You can drink up to three cups of the medicinal infusion a day.

Indigestion – How Can You Prevent It?

  • Thoroughly wash all fresh food (fruit, vegetables, meat, fish …), kitchen tools and especially your hands. Wash your hands several times a day, always after visiting the toilet and before each meal.
  • Take care of your daily diet so that it is balanced and rich in valuable nutrients. Thanks to a healthy lifestyle and the consumption of fresh products, your body’s immunity will increase and it will easily fight all kinds of infections.
  • Avoid bloody meat. Well cooked it will be safer for your body and at the same time you will be sure that any bacteria present in it have been killed by the heat treatment.
  • Drink only boiled or bottled water, especially in the summer.
  • Increase your vitamin C intake.
  • Base your daily diet on unprocessed foods. Include fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains with each meal.
  • Take care of regular physical activity, at least half an hour a day.
  • Be careful when traveling abroad. Drink only bottled mineral water, avoid street food, ice cream, natural juices and wash your hands frequently.

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