Body Rash – How To Deal With It?

Infusions are great for rashes. You can use chamomile, calendula or thyme. It will relieve itching and burning sensation.
Body rash - how to deal with it?

Eruptions on the skin, a common rash, is an inflammation of the skin that can manifest as large spots, blisters or lumps. It is accompanied by an itching and burning sensation. They are not contagious and most often appear in the summer months when the heat is intense.

The combination of high temperature with accumulated fat, bacteria, impurities and, in addition, dry skin leads to the fact that the sticky mixture clogs the openings of the sweat glands and the rash is ready. Defined in the medical field as sweat.

Why does the rash appear? Symptoms and causes

The rash can affect people of all ages and parts of the body. It is often found on the neck, waist, chest, back and genitals. It is characterized by red blisters or pustules, and as a result of intense scratching, it can cause skin irritation. It usually disappears after 5-7 days and may reappear.

Skin rash

The causes of rash formation:

  • excessive exposure to sunlight (UVA and UVB)
  • profuse sweating during exercise
  • excessive amount of clothes
  • inadequate hygiene or the lack of it
  • use of synthetic clothing
  • food poisoning
  • stomach hyperacidity
  • stress
  • symptom of side effects from the use of certain medications
  • a diet rich in fatty foods
  • smoking
  • drinking alcohol
  • irritation (chains, earrings, bracelets, etc.)
  • high air humidity and high temperatures

Natural ways and rash

  • you can try bathing with a tablespoon of baking soda and oatmeal. You just need to immerse the affected area for about an hour. Both ingredients act directly on the skin and soothe symptoms such as itching and inflammation.
  • cook a handful of oatmeal with a little water until a homogeneous mass is formed. Allow it to cool down and put it on a clean piece of cloth or gauze. Use as a compress on the skin.
  • put the watermelon rind in the refrigerator and then gently rub it on the area where the rash appeared. Thanks to this, you will soothe skin redness, itching and burning sensation.
  • soak a piece of cloth in the chamomile infusion, wait until it cools down and apply it to the skin. The mixture is great for relieving the symptoms of rash.
Reddened skin with pustules
  • also the pulp of the aloe vera stalk applied directly to the rash, soothes inflammation and prevents skin dryness.
  • mix the corn starch with water until a homogeneous mass is formed. Gently apply the preparation to the affected area and let it dry completely. Then remove everything with a towel soaked in cold water. Be careful and do not rub the skin when doing so.
  • Mix a few mallow leaves with the butter until a homogeneous preparation is obtained. Put the mixture on clean gauze and apply to the spilled area. This will soothe the itching symptoms and make the skin softer.

Infusions and compresses

  • boil two celery stalks in half a liter of water for 10 minutes. Soak pieces of material in the preparation, which are then applied with adequate pressure to the skin affected by the rash. Attach a dressing and let it act overnight
  • Soak a piece of clean cloth in a mixture of three parts hot water and one part alcohol. This speeds up the healing process and prevents infection
  • mix two tablespoons of sandalwood pollen with two tablespoons of cilantro. Then add two tablespoons of rose water. After combining all the ingredients, apply the product to the area of ​​the rash and let it dry. When finished, wash off with cool water
  • prepare a paste of green clay and water and apply to the affected area. The preparation will relieve skin itching and redness
  • thoroughly wash and grate a few banana peels and apply the obtained preparation to the sprinkled area. Apply a dressing to the area and allow the mixture to act for at least two hours. After this time, the allantonin contained in the fruit will show its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties.
  • apply a few drops of beer extract on the rash. You can also wet a cotton pad and place it in the desired place. This natural remedy soothes itching and reduces pus
  • grate the cucumber into smaller pieces and crush it using a blender. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed and apply to the skin. Wrap the site with a piece of cloth and leave the dressing on for the day. This vegetable has very strong anti-inflammatory properties
  • prepare an infusion of several amaranth seeds, leave to cool, and then use a cotton pad soaked in the preparation on the rash. Repeat the activity several times a day (at least three times in the morning, in the middle of the day and in the evening)
The woman is scratching herself because she has a rash

Fight the rash

  • Calendula infusion is also a great preparation for fighting rash. It also works well for skin burns, eczema or urticaria.
  • put a round slice of onion with the addition of apple cider vinegar. You can also leave the vegetable fragments in the water overnight, and then apply a cotton pad soaked in the preparation to the desired places. Onions have strong anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Prepare the dandelion infusion, then let it rest for a few minutes after cooking. It is indicated for the treatment of various skin conditions such as acne, eczema or just rash.
  • prepare an infusion of one teaspoon of fresh thyme in 0.5 l of water. Apply the preparation on the affected area to help minimize the symptoms of the rash.

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