Subconsciousness – This Is Where You Will Find The Answer

Are you feeling unmotivated? Are you in a toxic relationship? Do you feel lonely? Do you have fears? Learn how to interpret your subconscious mind.
The subconscious - it is in it that you will find the answer

How many problems are you facing recently? One? A few? A dozen? Sometimes solving them may reveal to you your subconscious. You just need to learn to listen to her and interpret what she wants to say.

The subconscious mind is not readable so easily, it requires a lot of introspection.

Many people choose a hypnosis psychologist to gain access to their psyche. Others are trying on their own, using the “walking around the house” method.

Your subconscious mind speaks to you

sad woman

Have you ever had an anxiety attack? This is nothing but your mind’s signal to wake up.

You may not even know where this fear comes from. It’s also likely that you’ve been carrying some problems within you for a while. When you wait too long to resolve a difficulty, it becomes a stumbling block.

You realize that ignoring problems is not the best course of action, yet you still wait for them to become a painful reality. If your body speaks to you in some way, you should listen to it.

The engine of thought

thoughts and subconscious

As Bruce Lipton, a physician and scientist, says:

This is because it is a part of the mind that has a lot of importance when it comes to thought processes. Think about answers to questions that automatically come to your mind, such as:

“- Where is the Eiffel Tower?

“- In Paris.”

You answer without thinking, because this fact has been internalized by your subconsciousness. Interestingly, it may also be the other way around.

There are many issues that you may not have a clue about because you probably don’t want to pay too much attention to them or want them to go away on their own.

Subconsciousness and instinct

subconsciousness and instinct

Your instincts have a lot to do with your subconscious. Have you ever rethought a decision just because your intuition was telling you so?

While you might call it a gut feeling, the truth is that it’s a reflection of your subconscious mind. It encourages you to make the right choices that you benefit from.

This is why knowing how to listen to it is so important. This skill will help you in various aspects of your life.

How to do it?

  • Pay attention to your emotions. Suppressing what you are feeling is a vain effort to silence your own subconscious.
  • Don’t be afraid to discover yourself. As you immerse yourself in your subconscious mind, you may come across your traits that you don’t like.
  • Accept the situation. It’s not all bad luck and not everything negative is directed against you. Bad things don’t choose the person they happen to.
  • Spend some time with yourself. Fear of loneliness prompts you to look for crowded places to avoid drawing attention to your interior.

Connect with your interior

Mindfulness, also known as full awareness, is a practice that will help you come into contact with your inner self. Meditation, one of her techniques, will help you do this.

Start by looking at your dreams. Even if you think it doesn’t make much sense, writing them down and analyzing them is an important step towards opening the way to the mystery of the subconscious.

When this happens, it is important to initiate some changes. You have to change what hurts you, binds you, inflicts wounds that don’t want to heal.

girl with a diary;  subconscious

Returning to the old path will mean that you turn your back on your intuition. Changing behavior is difficult, as is solving problems – but even when you do nothing, your subconscious is working.

She never gets tired of sending signals that you need to change your path and finally noticing the solution that lies before your eyes.

Do you feel unmotivated? Are you in a toxic relationship? Do you feel lonely? Are you afraid of something? What is this? Inquire, discover and explore the depths of your subconscious mind. There you will find the answer you are looking for.

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