Burning In The Mouth: Why Does It Occur?

Burning in the mouth: why does it appear?

A burning sensation in the mouth may occur due to a food allergy. Sometimes it is also a side effect of certain medications. Read on to learn about the top causes of a burning sensation in your mouth and how to combat them.

You feel a burning sensation in your mouth but you have no idea why. Well, in some cases it is perfectly normal, such as right after eating something spicy.

However, for some people, this problem becomes chronic, although it is not entirely clear why.

The medical term for this symptom is glossodynia , but most people know it as burning mouth syndrome. Our estimates suggest that it affects approximately 5 to 10 percent of the world’s population.

This is a very unpleasant disorder for people who suffer from it, as the burning sensation spreads throughout the mouth.

This syndrome is not very well known yet. However, we know that it can be associated with some medical conditions. Therefore, it may be a sign of a certain vitamin deficiency or an allergic reaction.

In today’s article, we’ll explain why Burning Mouth Syndrome occurs and the most common causes of it. We will also suggest how you can deal with it.

Why do you feel a constant burning sensation in your mouth?

As we mentioned before, a burning sensation in the mouth in certain cases is completely normal, for example after eating something spicy. However, such a situation  affects a specific area of ​​the mouth, is easily identifiable, and disappears by itself.

Woman sticking out her tongue - burning sensation in the mouth

Conversely, people who experience a burning sensation in their mouth for no apparent reason and for prolonged periods of time may suffer from Burning Mouth Syndrome. This syndrome causes a kind of burning sensation that spreads all over the tongue and other areas of the mouth.

In addition, anyone with this syndrome may experience a decline in the ability to sense taste. Baking is often accompanied by a feeling of numbness and dry mouth. In most cases, the burning sensation occurs during each day and gets worse as the hours go by. It can be chronic or temporary, depending on the case at hand.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

Mouth burning may occur after eating spicy foods. However, if the problems recur or are severe, it can also be a symptom of Burning Mouth Syndrome.

The reasons behind this syndrome can be divided into primary and secondary. The syndrome is considered primary when all other possible causes can be ruled out, as with other pathologies.

Secondary burning mouth syndrome, on the other hand, occurs when it is caused by another medical condition or activity, such as taking certain medications. This is because many medications dry out the lips, leading to a burning sensation. Besides, there are other reasons, such as:

  • Fungal infections such as athlete’s mouth ,
  • Deficiencies of specific vitamins and nutrients,
  • Situations causing stress or anxiety,
  • Inadequate oral hygiene. It turns out that some toothbrushes and mouthwashes can be extremely aggressive, caused by burning mouth syndrome,
  • Certain metabolic diseases and gastroesophageal reflux. The latter condition occurs because the acid content of the stomach reaches the mouth. High acidity leads to irritation of the mucous membranes that line the inside of the mouth.

Diagnosing Burning Mouth Syndrome

This syndrome is extremely difficult to diagnose. As explained earlier, any secondary causes should be ruled out from the outset. To do this, you need to inform your doctor in great detail about all the symptoms and medications you are taking.

Your doctor will likely need to perform blood tests to make a correct diagnosis. Thanks to them, it will be able to check if you have any hormonal or nutritional problems. Allergy tests may also be useful. Sometimes the burning sensation inside your mouth can be caused by different types of food.

Your doctor may also decide to test bacterial cultures or to biopsy oral tissues to rule out infection. It must also rule out the common condition of gastroesophageal reflux.

Burning in the mouth and its treatment

Treating a burning mouth depends on the underlying cause. The greatest emphasis is placed on treating the disease that can provoke a burning sensation. If the burning sensation occurs due to, for example, a lot of anxiety and fear, you need to learn to control them so that the burning sensation disappears.

Woman with mouthwash
Treatment for burning in the mouth may include the use of mouthwashes with medicinal properties. Your doctor will surely select the best treatment method.

In addition, there are several treatments. These include the use of mouthwashes that contain lidocaine. Your doctor may also prescribe capsaicin, a pain reliever, or antidepressants. The appropriate method of treatment, tailored to a given case, should always be selected by a doctor.


Long-term burning in the mouth may be pathological. The medical term used to describe it is burning mouth syndrome. It is usually a side effect of certain medical conditions, such as an allergy. In order to make the right diagnosis and choose the right treatment method, you must consult your doctor.

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