Cystic Acne – 6 Natural Remedies

Although natural products usually do not cause any problems or side effects, if you notice any adverse skin reaction, remove the agent from your face and wash it with plenty of water.
Cystic acne - 6 natural remedies

Cystic acne is a skin ailment that is much more serious than the common, common juvenile acne. It is a chronic disease that occurs as a result of a disturbance in the work of the sebaceous glands. This is due to, among other things, contamination and bacterial infections.

When cystic acne occurs , the affected person’s self-esteem significantly diminishes. In addition to being very eye-catching, it also leaves traces and unsightly, difficult to remove scars.

The problem is that most people don’t treat it properly, almost always squeezing the cysts out with their fingers or – worse – puncturing them with a needle.

This type of behavior not only worsens the inflammation of the skin, but also causes unnecessary irritation that is difficult to relieve later.

To avoid this type of complication, we recommend six natural remedies which, due to their properties, greatly accelerate the treatment of cystic acne.

1. Coconut oil for cystic acne

Coconut oil is one of the most recommended natural cosmetics. Among other things, it helps to heal cystic acne and also prevents its occurrence.

Coconut oil

As it turns out, coconut oil has antibacterial, moisturizing and regenerating properties, thanks to which it improves the appearance of the skin, reducing the presence of blemishes and imperfections.

Application method

  • Take a small amount of coconut oil and then apply it to your skin as a mask. Pay special attention to inflamed areas.
  • Leave without rinsing. Repeat the treatment every day before going to bed.

2. Bee honey

Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effects of bee honey have been known and appreciated for centuries. No wonder then that it is used both in the kitchen and in cosmetics. It turns out that it can help us heal cystic acne as well.

Regular use of bee honey helps to cleanse the skin of dirt and grease. It also helps to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Application method

  • Apply a small amount of bee honey to the acne-affected areas and leave it for about 30 minutes.
  • Then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and dry with a soft towel.
  • Repeat the application of honey to the skin every day – until you notice an improvement in the appearance of the skin.

3. Cystic acne – try apple cider vinegar

Organic apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural remedies for skin with cystic acne.

Apple vinegar

The natural acids in this vinegar help to regulate the skin’s pH, while reducing excess fat and eliminating bacteria.

Application method

  • Combine equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water.
  • Rub the tonic so obtained into the skin using a cotton swab.
  • Use this remedy every morning and evening.

4. Aloe

Applying aloe vera to the skin helps to speed up the treatment of acne. What’s more, it prevents the formation of scars, stains and wrinkles.

This plant shows moisturizing and antioxidant properties, which in turn stimulates the work of cells, accelerating their regeneration.

Application method

  • Get the gel from one leaf of aloe vera and apply daily to all areas of the skin where cystic acne appeared.
  • Let it dry – for about 30 minutes – and then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat every night before going to bed.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric has antibacterial properties and is a natural antioxidant. This can help treat severe acne.

Turmeric powder

Applying turmeric to the skin reduces the appearance of skin imperfections and enlarged pores, as well as soothes inflammation, making the skin look healthier.

Application method

  • Dampen the turmeric with water or sesame oil. Once it becomes pasty, rub it into the infected parts of the skin.
  • Leave it on for about 30 minutes, then rinse it off with plenty of water.
  • Repeat the activity three times a week.

6. Aspirin for cystic acne

Although we usually associate aspirin with a medicine for pain and colds, it turns out that this medicine can also serve our skin.

The high content of salicylic acid helps to reduce the visibility of acne while protecting against the harmful effects of sunlight and providing a specific protective barrier.

Application method

  • Crush a few aspirin tablets and moisten them with a little lemon juice.
  • Rub the product into acne spots and leave it for about 30 minutes.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat the treatment three times a week.
  • Remember to use this natural remedy only at night, as this will avoid side effects caused by sunlight.

Has cystic acne become your worst nightmare? Therefore, it is imperative to choose one or more of the natural remedies we propose. Use it in your caring routine as soon as possible.

However, try to avoid combining too many remedies together, lest you risk irritating your skin too much.

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