What To Do With Citrus Peels?

Citrus peels - what to do with them?

Guess which part of citrus has the greatest health benefits? Their skin. It is beneficial for the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease, prevents cholesterol build-up and fluid retention in the body, helps to strengthen natural protection, and has many other benefits. That is why today we will explain how to use citrus peels : lemon, orange, mandarin, lime and grapefruit to take advantage of their healing, culinary and cosmetic properties.

Ecological citrus peel

However, at the very beginning it should be noted that it is about the skins of ecologically grown fruit, either at home or from a known source. Market citrus fruits are grown using pesticides and other toxic substances that accumulate in the skins.
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How to store them

Step one: wash the fruit thoroughly, peel it and scrape off the outer part of the white films, which have a very bitter taste.

First possible way to use: The skins can be grated and used in this form, raw, as it will make them more aromatic. But if you want to store them for a long time and use them once in a while, you can put them in the freezer.

Another solution: You can dry them naturally. In the sun or on a stove (a few hours at a not too high temperature, 50-70 * C), and then grind them in a coffee grinder.

Medical applications

  • Thanks to the content of flavonoids, they have a strong antioxidant effect, which naturally helps to reduce the risk of cancer and inhibit the development of existing ones – especially breast and skin cancer – as well as reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • They are  high in vitamin C and therefore help to strengthen the immune system.
  • They help to cleanse the body of toxins and other unnecessary substances. They also help prevent fluid retention in the body.
  • They have a relaxing and slightly calming effect. Citrus helps improve your mood.
  • It improves digestive processes, especially in relation to fats.
  • They improve the absorption of nutrients,  such as iron, which is why they are an invaluable aid in the treatment of anemia.

Use in the kitchen

Citrus peels, both raw and dried, will help give each recipe a refreshing touch with a very aromatic twist. In addition, they provide healing properties and facilitate digestion. You can add them:

  • For cakes, desserts and cakes : mix them with the dough or use as decorations
  • For vinaigrette sauces and all kinds of sauces or aromatic oils
  • As a seasoning (dried or in powder form) for meat, fish, soups or stews
  • To give the ice cubes an original look and taste: place the pieces of citrus peel in an ice cream mold and pour fresh water over them and freeze.
  • To prepare a delicious snack: baked citrus peels in sugar. You can give them a sugar coating by cooking the entire crust (or pieces of it) with sugar (just like you would make a syrup). Dip the rinds in sugar and dry in the oven.
  • Citrus peel syrup : cook the peel with honey or sugar until half of the water has evaporated. Store the syrup in the refrigerator. It can be used as a syrup for children and adults, which will act as a natural strengthening of the body’s defenses and will be effective in preventing diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.
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Cosmetic properties

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Due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, citrus helps to cleanse the skin as well as improve its structure, preventing sagging, moisturizing it and preventing the formation of wrinkles. In addition, they improve cell regeneration and stimulate collagen production.

  • Natural peeling : you can easily use it as an effective exfoliant to cleanse the skin and help it regenerate. It can be made with sugar or sea salt, lemon peel (grated or powdered), olive oil or almond oil (if you have dry skin) or aloe oil (if you have oily skin). For more information and detailed instructions on how to prepare such a scrub, please click here.
  • Deodorant: If you grind the citrus peels, you get a juice that can be used as a very effective natural deodorant without any harmful substances. We store it in the refrigerator for several days or we can freeze it and use it gradually. If you are interested in other natural deodorants, check also what you can use baking soda for.
  • Soap : You can find various natural lavender soap recipes on the Internet. If you use citrus peel instead of lavender, you will get a very effective, natural and amazingly fragrant soap. Check also how to make a natural shampoo and laundry detergent.
Photos courtesy of: veronicasheppard, ecstaticist and ecstaticist.

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