Coconut Water And Its Properties

Although there are no contraindications to its daily consumption, remember about a healthy diet and physical activity, as each glass contains 45 to 60 kcal.
Coconut water and its properties

Coconut water is very trendy. For many years it has been a refreshing drink for thousands of people in tropical countries and has served as the main ingredient in a wide variety of dishes. It is currently used all over the world. All this because of the enormity of nutrients it contains.

It is low in calories and cholesterol, and provides very large amounts of potassium (up to four times more than bananas). As it perfectly hydrates the body, it is especially recommended for athletes who want to replenish fluids and mineral salts.

A very important point – coconut water  is not the same as milk or coconut oil. The latter are much higher in fat and calories.

The water inside the coconut has a sweetish taste. Its carbohydrates – in the form of sugar and electrolytes – provide more energy than any commercial drink.

Coconut water and its nutritional properties

This drink is 100% natural and is without a doubt the healthiest way to stay hydrated. This is because it contains much less sugar than the famous “energetics”, and even some fruit juices.

It consists of:

  • 54.5 kcal.
  • 1.3 g of sugar.
  • 61 mg of potassium.
  • 5.45 mg sodium.

In addition, coconut water is a source of many nutrients. Do you want to know which nutrients are you talking about?

Supports the weight loss process

It is a great alternative to water – it is low in fat and calories and speeds up the weight loss process.

Flat belly

Its properties help cleanse the body of toxins and help control the feeling of hunger while preventing unhealthy snacks between meals.

Clean and smooth complexion

Coconut water can be used as a face tonic. It fights acne and other skin imperfections.

It brightens and closes open pores, thus reducing the secretion of sebum. This is why so many beauty products contain coconut water as their main ingredient.

Coconut water improves metabolism

Due to the high fiber content, it has a delicate laxative effect. It prevents constipation, indigestion, acidity and heartburn. Coconut water will also be great after too heavy meals – you will avoid a swollen belly and gas.

Hands on a flat stomach

The electrolytes contained in coconut water prevent dehydration of the body during diarrhea, vomiting or excessive urination.

Always hydrated body …

Water from the inside of a coconut is great especially when our body is dehydrated and lacks mineral salts. For example, after intense physical exertion.

The substances it contains, such as potassium and sodium, accelerate the regeneration of the body and mind.

It lowers blood pressure

Sometimes too high electrolytes lead to high blood pressure.

Blood pressure

As coconut water is their natural source, it helps regulate their amount and keep them in balance. People who suffer from hypertension should drink it every morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

Coconut water is compatible with blood!

She could save your life! Coconut water, in case of extreme necessity, injected intravenously, immediately hydrates the body!

What amounts are the most recommended?

This product can be drunk as a separate drink or mixed with, for example, vegetables and fruits. As of today, no side effects have been found and therefore it can be consumed on a daily basis.

Coconut water

However, remember to lead a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet as possible. Coconut water contains 45 to 60 kcal (per glass), and natural water does not have any.

It should also be mentioned that all the described properties are found in 100% organic coconut water. You can buy a commercial version in stores and supermarkets, in cans or bottles, but it is not as healthy as the natural green coconut.

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