What Not To Reheat? – 7 Products

Vegetables are best eaten raw, but if you serve them cooked, remember – don’t reheat them!
What not to reheat?  - 7 products

Tons of food are wasted every day in the world, so often we prefer to reheat our products instead of throwing them away . Of course, this is a good method to combat food waste at a time when people are still starving in many places around the world. However, reheating is not the only solution.

There are products that should not be  reheated  and that are better prepared in a different way. Today you will learn the list of 7 products, the reheating of which can extract toxic substances from them and thus pose a threat to your health.

What not to reheat? – 7 products

1. Spinach

Spinach leaves - they cannot be reheated

The nitrate present in it then turns into nitrite, which can be very harmful to your body.

2. Celery

Celery is usually eaten raw, as is spinach. However, it is also sometimes added to soups and hot sauces. In such a situation, it is best to eat these dishes straight away and avoid situations in which you would have to reheat them.

Celery also contains nitrate, which when converted to nitrite can be toxic.

Nitrite is a compound that is thought to be potentially carcinogenic, so be careful not to consume too much of it. Regardless of the benefits of celery, it’s best to eat it raw.

3. Eggs


Eggs on a plate

It is also worth adding that toxic compounds may be released from the reheated eggs.

4. Beets

For many years, beetroot has been the focus of many scientists, who have found it an excellent source of nutrients and antioxidants.

However, beetroots also contain minimal amounts of nitrates, which are not harmful, but can transform into nitrites under the influence of high temperatures.

Most nutrition experts recommend consuming beetroot in fresh juices, smoothies and salads.

5. Potatoes

Potatoes, it's not worth reheating them

In addition, you must also know that potatoes should not be reheated, because then they lose their taste and nutritional properties. Moreover, they become difficult to digest.

The good news is that uneaten potatoes from dinner can be used in many other ways, just use creativity – maybe you will be tempted by mashed potatoes?

6. Mushrooms

Edible mushrooms should never be reheated as they can cause indigestion and even cardiovascular problems. Mushrooms are very healthy and natural products, but only eat them fresh.

To avoid throwing them away and wasting them, be sure to prepare as much as you can eat.

7. Chicken

Unfortunately, reheated chicken loses its freshness and its composition changes significantly, which can cause digestive problems


Just like with mushrooms, prepare as much chicken as you want to eat. However, if you have leftovers, you can reheat them, but only on a low temperature.

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