Self-destructive Behaviors You Don’t Know About

As selfish as it may seem, sometimes we should only think about ourselves and stop hurting ourselves. Living in the past and still meeting the expectations of others is not good for us.
Self-destructive behavior that you don't know about

Self-love is something primal, but how many times have we considered ourselves selfish and then exhibited self-destructive behaviors as a consequence ?

Sometimes it seems as if caring for ourselves is troublesome, and thus we often hurt ourselves without even realizing it.

Perhaps you think that caring for yourself will destroy the image of your ideal you, who is always ready to help others… On the other hand, in this way you are displaying self-destructive behavior, not respecting yourself and not paying attention to your needs.

Self-destructive behavior

There are many ways you can hurt yourself, but some are so subtle that you can’t really see them. We want to reveal to you a few behaviors that you may be hurting yourself with without even realizing it.

Be aware that self-destructive behaviors will destroy you step by step and cause a lot of sadness.

Reflection of a woman in the mirror

You hurt yourself when you say yes instead of no

Pleasing others is one of the main principles we are taught. For some reason, we’re taught to be friendly with everyone else.

It often ends up feeling unwell when we say no to someone when asked or not to do something. We live in a society that is not used to accepting an answer to the word “no”. Nevertheless, it should stop. You hurt yourself when you put others’ needs ahead of your own.

You are the most important and you should value yourself the most. If you don’t do it, nobody will.

Additionally, it is good practice to say no when you sincerely want to say no. How many times have you not said this word out of fear of others’ reaction? Let this be the beginning of a new way of life, filled with honesty towards yourself and others.

You hurt yourself when you want to be perfect too much

Referring to what we wrote earlier, we live in the belief that we must be perfect in the eyes of others. This is another self-destructive behavior. It only causes fear of failure and failure.

Huddled woman without clothes

To suppress this desire to be perfect, you just need to desensitize yourself to the opinions of others. If you pay too much attention to other people’s words and expectations, as a result, you stop being yourself and become who others want you to be.

You hurt yourself if you do not allow yourself to be pleasured

It is good to hold back from temptation sometimes, but if you keep denying yourself something, you will never be completely satisfied.

Vacation, nap, gift, this jacket you like so much …

Remember that you only have one life, and if you don’t live it now, when will you do it? Time goes by and you may not be able to do what you really want tomorrow. Don’t limit yourself. Do it now!

woman with arms outstretched

Easy to say, but also easy to do. Only you set your limits. Only you can lift the barriers that hold you back. Enjoy your life. Do not stop.

You hurt yourself if you don’t live in the present

Throughout our lives, we make many mistakes that we regret later. The secret of success is accepting your imperfect behavior and learning from it. We have to drink the milk we brewed.

Nevertheless, living in the past limits us more than it should. It is difficult to free ourselves from past events that consume and depress us. Then we will not overcome the situation and repeat the mistakes. Let this self-destructive behavior not destroy us.

Since the past is behind us, the time to live is now. It is just like whims here – you live here and now. That’s all that matters, it’s the time you should make the best use of you.

Woman at night

Have these self-destructive behaviors ever damaged you too? If you identify with them, it’s time to realize it and not duplicate them. It will only cause you to fall into a whirlwind of negative emotions and vibrations.

It’s time to change, to move forward and stop hurting yourself.

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