Healthy Fats – 10 Options That Should Not Be Omitted In Your Diet

Healthy fats have a beneficial effect on our health and fulfill the functions necessary to maintain a good quality of life. However, you only need to choose unprocessed fats and consume them in moderation.
Healthy fats - 10 options that should not be skipped in your diet

Fats have been criticized for decades, as if a healthy diet must be completely devoid of these ingredients. The key, however, is to choose the best healthy fats and consume them in balance with protein and carbohydrates. This way you will achieve the correct weight and ideal health.

The following article will help you discover the top 10 fats that should not be missing from your diet.

Healthy fats in your diet – good or bad?

Believe it or not, the fact is that fats are not harmful to our health. On the contrary – they have a positive effect on our body and fulfill certain functions that are necessary to maintain a high quality of life.

However, there are two key factors to consider:

  • You must consume them in moderation. Each meal should contain the right amount of fat in proportion to the other ingredients.
  • Instead of processed fats, you should choose good quality fats like the ones listed below.

Top 10 fats

1. Coconut oil

Extra virgin coconut oil is an increasingly popular food product that has become famous for its essential unsaturated fatty acids, including lauric and palmitic acids.

It is also a fat that we can use in cooking as it works very well at high temperatures without compromising on quality.

healthy fats - coconut oil

2. Linseed oil

Linseed oil obtained from the first cold pressing of flax seeds is a product rich in nutrients. It also contains a large amount of Omega 3 essential fatty acids . Omega 3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, improve blood circulation and balance the work of the nervous system.

In order to benefit from the health benefits of linseed oil, it should be consumed cold, as it oxidizes under the influence of heat.

3. Krill Oil

The surprising product of krill oil also stands out in terms of the content of Omega 3 acids and phospholipids. This shellfish oil is a traditional food in some Asian countries.

It is usually taken in capsules as a dietary supplement.

healthy fats - krill oil

4. Avocados

Avocado is a fruit that is distinguished by its nutritional composition. It is high in protein, fat and fiber. When the avocado is ripe, its flesh has the consistency of butter and is perfect for all kinds of recipes. It is a highly valued ingredient in vegetarian and vegan diets.

Avocados are eaten raw in salads, sauces, creams and smoothies.

5. Macadamia nuts

Macadamia nuts are one of the richest nuts in fat. They contain Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids which are helpful in preventing many diseases.

It is recommended to eat a handful of macadamia nuts daily.

healthy fats - macadamia nuts

6. Ghee butter

Its flavor is intense and delicious, similar to dried fruit. Ghee can be eaten in moderation, of course, instead of normal butter or margarine.

7. Healthy fats, or Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is widely used in Mediterranean cuisine. It is a great cooking product and is one of the best fats for your health.

This oil is extracted from the olives. It is a powerful antioxidant, rich in Omega 9 and vitamin E.

healthy fats - olive oil

8. Pumpkin seeds

All kinds of seeds are high in fat. Pumpkin seeds, however, have a positive effect on our intestines, male prostate, heart function and immune system.

9. Fatty fish = healthy fats

Fish with oily meat are distinguished by their high fat content. However, if you want to avoid consuming harmful heavy metals, we recommend choosing small fish such as sardines, anchovies, or mackerel. But give up salmon, tuna or swordfish.

healthy fat in fish

10. Egg yolk

Egg yolk is a very nutritious source of fat that is ideal for enriching all types of diets. It contains vitamins A, B, E and D, folic acid and minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. You can eat about four eggs a week without risking harm to your health.

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