Something For Joint Pain? Meet The 12 Natural Ways

If we want to relieve pain in joints and improve their performance, exercise can be one of the best allies. Do less invasive sports such as yoga and Pilates.
Something for joint pain?  Discover the 12 natural ways

There are many factors that cause joint pain. It could be poor movement, a chronic disease, or being in the same position for too long. Did you know that there are natural remedies for joint pain ? In this article, we will list the most effective ones.

Phytotherapy for joint pain

Thanks to herbs and natural plants, we can reduce inflammation, improve mobility, stop wear and tear and pain in the joints. Infusions and decoctions of the following species will make you feel much better:


It contains many antioxidants that inhibit the wear and tear of cartilage in patients suffering from joint pain. You can add a little of this aromatic herb to your sauces, soups and meats.

It is also recommended to drink the infusion : one teaspoon of dried rosemary per cup of boiling water. Drink up to three cups a day.

A sprig of fresh rosemary


This plant is a great diuretic and helps us get rid of excess fluid that accumulates in swollen joints.

To enjoy its properties, drink up to 3 cups a day of an infusion prepared from dry nettle root (one tablespoon per glass of boiling water , let it stand for 10 minutes and strain).


It is used not only to reduce joint pain, but also to reduce possible inflammation. You can grate the fresh ginger root directly in your salads or buy it in powder. Alternatively, you can make an infusion of one teaspoon of dry root per cup of boiling water.


It is an excellent diuretic and has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is recommended not only for people suffering from joint pain, but also for those with chronic inflammation.

Birch decoctions help reduce swelling and eliminate fluid build-up. Prepare an infusion of one teaspoon of dry leaves per cup of boiling water. Drink a maximum of 2 servings a day.

Other home remedies for joint pain

In addition to the benefits that herbalism offers you, you can use one of the natural therapies to reduce joint pain:

Cod liver oil

You can buy it in stores with dietary and natural products. In general, eating cod three times a week will prevent many joint ailments.

Regarding cod liver oil, studies show that 86% of those who take it regularly show less damage to their cartilage.

green tea

It is a great antioxidant that regulates fluid levels in the body and stimulates fat burning. If you suffer from joint pain due to overweight, this is the product for you.

By the way, the polyphenols contained in it eliminate damage to the cartilage tissue.

Green tea infusion


Fresh pineapple (in pieces or as juice) helps reduce joint pain. This is due to the high content of an enzyme called bromelain.

Remember to always reach for fresh pineapples, not canned ones. Only then is it rich in nutrients.


Flaxseed is another effective method due to the presence of Omega 3 acid  (the same as in marine fish).


Blackberry juice or fruit will help you relieve joint pain. Their anti-inflammatory properties have been known since antiquity.


This vegetable is beneficial not only when we eat it. It is also perfect as a compress for sore spots. Heat the cabbage leaves in the oven and put it on the sore joint. Leave until cool.


A cup of chamomile tea has a soothing effect on the muscles. It also relieves joint pain. Chamomile flowers can also act through the skin, directly on the sore spot. All you need is a few drops of chamomile oil and a gentle massage. We leave the remnants of the oil to absorb – do not wipe it off!

Chamomile tea for joints


As with chamomile, eucalyptus has properties that are used for external use. To treat joint pain with eucalyptus, stock up on essential oil from this tree.

Dilute 30 ml of the oil in one liter of warm water and massage with the prepared liquid. You can also use rosemary essential oil.

Other remedies for joint pain

You already know which herbs to use. Now it’s time to learn some healthy habits that will help you avoid these types of ailments:

Cold compresses

This is one of the best known methods in existence. It is also extremely effective. Put a few ice cubes in a foil bag and wrap it with a towel. Put it on a sore spot and let it sit for a few minutes. It helps to reduce swelling.

Hot compresses

A hot water bottle is a great solution for joint pain. Leave it in a sore spot for a few minutes. You can also use a wet, hot towel.

Physical activity

It will help you relieve pain and – by the way – improve your mobility. We recommend exercises such as yoga, pilates, tai-chi or simply walking in the park. Do not perform too tiring and complicated exercises, because you can only hurt yourself!


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