Are Your Hands Always Cold? Find Out What Health Problems Cold Hands Can Cause

The causes of cold hands should never be underestimated, even if you think they are part of your beauty. In most cases, this condition is affected by poor blood circulation, which you can improve by changing your diet or doing hand exercises.
Cold hands?  Know the possible causes

Your hands are always cold and when you touch someone, they always jump back screaming? If the problem only occurs outside on cold days, don’t worry. If your hands are cold all the time, even in summer, there could be many reasons. It is not worth underestimating them. Do you want to find out which of the reasons are the most common? Read this article.

Are cold hands a cause for concern?

Cold hands are a symptom that does not pay much attention to. Why? Everyone’s tolerance of cold and heat is different,  so some people may be more sensitive to temperature changes.

Cool hands may be completely normal. However, there are symptoms that should increase your alertness. If your hands are getting cold from fatigue or weakness, you should consult your doctor to find out why these symptoms are even present in your body. A lowered body temperature along with fatigue may indicate problems with the circulation.

Cold hands with gloves

1. Hypothyroidism

One reason may be cold hands hypothyroidism, or in other words a deficiency of thyroid hormones, which leads to slower metabolism. Symptoms of this condition include weight gain, skin and hair changes, and excessive sensitivity to cold.

The disease can manifest itself with ever-cool feet and hands. If you have noticed such symptoms in yourself, see your doctor who will diagnose and recommend treatment, as well as switching to a diet richer in iodine.

2. Raynaud’s syndrome

It sounds scary, but don’t worry as it’s not a serious condition. As a result of cold or emotions, blood vessels in the area of ​​the hands and sometimes also the feet become constricted.

The tips of the fingers become sine, and the person feels tingling and discomfort. As circulation returns to normal, hands become reddened and the tingling sensation increases, almost a burning sensation. Raynaud’s syndrome is quite a rare and strange condition, so if you have noticed these symptoms please consult your doctor.

3. Anemia

This is one of the most common ailments that come with cold hands. Anemia is caused by lowered iron levels in the blood. The disease manifests itself primarily by fatigue, hair loss and brittle nails. A simple blood test is enough to rule out or confirm anemia.

always cold hands

4. Circulatory disorders and weight fluctuations

Cold hands  often affect people with low body weight, as the  lack of body fat lowers the overall external body temperature.

Another factor is circulatory disturbance, which is often manifested by a tingling sensation. Not only the hands can be cold but so can the feet and any part of the body that the blood flows to longer.

If your hands are always cold and you feel tired, be sure to see a specialist who will rule out possible causes of this state of affairs. Do not self-diagnose yourself, as it is not worth taking risks when it comes to your health.

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