5 Foods You Should Never Eat

You don’t have to force yourself to eat foods that you don’t like or that your digestive system does not tolerate. Don’t eat them just because they are a rich source of vitamins! You will surely find them in other products that you like.
Don't eat these foods!  - They don't serve you!

We often wonder which products should not be eaten and which have a positive effect on our health.

For example, after training, you need to provide your body with protein. We often do not know which type of rice is the healthiest, whether you should eat all whole grains, whether it is worth eating fish and seafood …

The answer to this question is almost always ambiguous: certain food products of food can be both beneficial to our body and can harm him. Find out more!

Why should we not eat certain foods?

This is because each organism is different and works at its own pace. Some products work for some people, and for others they can cause real discomfort. Often, our well-being also depends on the amount of consumed products.

Today we want to introduce you to 5 types of foods that you should never eat. It is known that some of them can be much more dangerous to our body than others.

Although we are inundated with information about healthy foods on all sides, you should not categorically divide foods into healthy and unhealthy. Each organism is different and what serves one may harm others. 

5 foods that shouldn’t be eaten!

Products you don’t like

While providing the body with food is essential to keeping us alive, eating can also be a source of true pleasure and culinary ecstasy.

It’s true – if you don’t like something, it’s not good for you at all. Of course, these can be foods with high nutritional value. However, that doesn’t mean that other foods you actually like are less “healthy”.

Healthy foods include more than just steamed broccoli and chicken breast. Be creative, look for new flavors, and bring pleasure to your taste buds by consuming products that you really like.

Products that make you uncomfortable

Discomfort can manifest itself in the form of pain in the stomach, head or joints. We also do not exclude a situation in which you like a given product very much, but you feel bloated and lethargic after consuming it.

Virtually any food product can cause similar ailments, but some of them cause discomfort to many more people, such as white flour, dairy products and meat.

Hands on your stomach

Of course, you do not have to give them up completely, consumed once in a while should not cause you any unpleasant ailments.

So allow yourself a culinary whim from time to time. Moreover, by eating these types of products only once in a while, you will enjoy them much more. But remember that if you eat too much, you may feel bad again.

Foods that make you feel guilty

You certainly know exactly what we mean here. During the weekend your brakes go off and you eat pastries, ice cream, fries, rotisserie chicken, waffles, sweets, crisps …

And on Monday you wake up with a huge culinary hangover and guilt that does not disappear even after a whole week based on apples, carrots and tomato salad.

This is by no means an isolated example – such a scenario happens very often. Its consequence is the use of a restrictive diet for the next few days, which turns out to be impossible anyway.

As with excessive alcohol consumption, you swear to yourself never again. However, you know perfectly well that the situation will repeat itself during the next weekend.

Guilt caused by unhealthy eating

The guilt of junk food is terrible and doesn’t really serve any purpose. The shame of unhealthy eating leads to guilt and disgust for your own body for a short period of time.

Later, you force yourself to eat certain foods just because they’re healthy, but they don’t give you any joy.

Look at the problem this way: you will not lose the fats you have already eaten, and moreover, your stomach will not understand the new situation, it will not be able to control what is going on in your body.

Ice Cream Cup - Eating Unhealthy Products

If you eat healthy from Monday to Friday, and at the weekend you release your brakes and allow yourself to excess fats, sugars or artificial additives, you will lead to an upset and excessive sensitivity of your stomach.

How to deal with the guilt caused by junk food?

If you are in the habit of partying at the weekend, having frequent dinners with friends, or just enjoying your Friday and Saturday night snacks, don’t give up on your lifestyle.

However, try to limit your intake of unhealthy foods. Make sure your diet is balanced. Don’t eat anything that makes you feel guilty.

It is imperative to realize that eating should bring joy not only before and during consumption, but also after a meal.

Ask yourself if it is really worth eating something that just after a meal makes you feel bad and you lose respect for your own body.

Products that are addictive

There are surely some products that you can’t stop eating until the pack is finished. You should forget about them as soon as possible and eliminate them completely from your diet!

We usually associate addictive products with crisps, chocolate, hamburgers, pizza, etc. The additives contained in them affect the work of the brain, therefore their effect can be addictive.

Remember, however, that this problem does not only apply to junk food, also healthy products can make us addicted. And yet nothing in excess is good for our body.

Homemade jam, strawberry jelly, homemade cookies, colorful salad – each of these products can be addictive for you. The exception is Brussels sprouts – you can eat it as much as you want!

Products that are not food

High fructose corn syrup is not a food product. Nor is it modified corn starch, artificial colors and flavors, or cellulose (which is a common ingredient in cheeses). And propylene glycol? It is also not food.

Canned Food - Lots of Canned Food

Remember, however, that big food industry companies add the above and many, many other ingredients to the food products they sell, especially in the form of canned goods.

So why are these harmful substances among the ingredients of food products?

The answer is simple: on the one hand, they help to reduce production costs, and on the other hand, they cause a kind of addiction to the consumer, because they are cheap and can be stored for a long time.

What products should we not eat?

The best solution is to prepare your own meals based on healthy and local products, as well as to eat high-quality animal protein.

Choose meat from animals fed with natural fodder, and not stuffed with hormones and antibiotics; do not eat non-farmed fish or large-sized farmed poultry, etc.

Read product labels carefully and if they contain ingredients unfamiliar to you, they probably aren’t food. Do not buy rubbish, try to live healthy!

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