Fleas And Ticks – How To Remove Them?

Take care of the health of your four-legged friends. Protect them from fleas and ticks in advance. However, if you didn’t do it on time, nothing is lost. Read on to get rid of ticks and fleas from their skin and from your environment!
Fleas and ticks - how to remove them?

If you are a dog or cat owner, it is very possible that you will meet these unwelcome guests. Did you know that they pose a threat not only to your pet friends, but also to you? Fleas and ticks can cause disease in both animals and humans.

For this reason, you should make sure that they do not enter your home. In this article, we’ll show you some of the best natural ways to get rid of fleas and ticks from your environment.

Ticks – home methods and methods of fighting them

Ticks are terrible worms with lots of legs that attach themselves to the skin and feed on blood. If your dog or cat has a tick, you can remove it by natural methods.

Every time your dog comes back from a walk, check it carefully to make sure nothing is “stuck” to it.

Alcohol and oil

Make a mixture of one-third pure alcohol (to disinfect skin parasites) and one-third of oil (to lubricate). Soak a cotton ball or gauze with this mixture and rub it into the pet’s skin until it is completely distributed.

If the animal allows it, put the cotton ball with the prepared mixture to the place on the body where the tick is located. Hold it so that the tick cannot breathe and is forced to detach from its skin.

dog and cat versus fleas and ticks


One of the most effective methods for ticks is chamomile. Prepare tea from the flowers of this plant (or brew the one you bought in tea bags) and leave it to cool. Then dip a cotton ball in it and use it to wash your dog’s skin, especially at the bite sites.

The parasite will start to “break away” from the pet. Sanitize the area well to get rid of any insect debris.


Equally good at home are citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, mandarins or grapefruits (the first two are most recommended).

Boil half a liter of water and add the sliced ​​fruit to it. Boil them together for a few minutes, then turn the gas down and leave it covered for an hour (making sure the water does not boil over completely).

Allow to cool and pour into a bottle with a dispenser. Sprinkle the mixture on the dog’s body, taking care not to let it get into his eyes. You can also use this product to disinfect your home, especially floors and corners.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also great for killing ticks.

Mix the vinegar and water in equal proportions, dip a cloth or cotton ball in it and rub it over your dog’s skin. You can do this after his bath.

fleas and ticks attacking dogs and cats

If the tick removed leaves a wound or injury on the skin, use a calendula cream (healing effect), aloe gel or cream (moisturizing) and lavender oil (protective properties).

Fleas – home methods and techniques to combat

Fleas are treated in the same way as human lice. The problem with these parasites is that they bite not only animals but also humans and can transmit various diseases (one of which is a deadly threat to cats).

Mint infusion for fleas

You can make an infusion with mint to remove fleas. After the infusion has cooled down, pour it into a bottle with a dispenser and spray the pet’s fur.

However, to prevent the appearance of fleas, a small amount of yeast or garlic should be added to the food. Both of these products, when consumed by the animal, release a specific smell through the skin, which protects the dog or cat from insects.

Other potions

  • Boil about three cups of water. In a separate vessel, mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a tablespoon of vodka. Add two drops of lavender essential oil and two drops of eucalyptus. Optionally, you can also add two drops of myrrh essential oil.
  • Then add one drop of Cedar, Geranium, Rosemary, Marjoram and Spanish Lime at a time. Squeeze in two drops of lemon juice and add a pile of dried mint. Add boiling water and mix well. Sprinkle everything with your mixture, from animal fur to furniture, floors and walls.
  • Mix two cups of hot water, a quarter of a cup of alcohol, and six drops of liquid detergent. Rub your dog’s fur with this homemade shampoo until it foams completely; then rinse thoroughly.
kitten on the laptop

Other ways to get rid of fleas

Another good way to get rid of fleas (and ticks) is to sprinkle salt on carpets, floors and pet bedding. This will lead to their dehydration and quick elimination. To speed up the process even more, place containers of water and about ten drops of detergent in your home.

Insects should use this free bath to cool down. However, thanks to the oily nature of the detergent, they will not be able to get out of it. In order to avoid poisoning the animals with this home remedy, it is best to conduct it while walking the dog. This way, the parasites will not be able to escape.

baby with a cat

Our last advice is a proper diet of four-legged pets. Thanks to proper nutrition, their immune system will strengthen and protect them from possible ailments (anemia, fatigue, fatigue, etc.) from parasites that drink their blood.

Include ingredients containing selenium, zinc and a complex of B vitamins in your pets’ diet.

We hope you will find our article on natural home remedies for fleas and ticks helpful. Good luck!

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