Disturbing Neck Pain? Change Your Body Posture!

Pain in the neck and back of the neck is a very troublesome ailment that has various grounds. Read on to find out how you can help yourself in this situation.
Pain in the neck?  Change body posture!

It is practically impossible today for people who do not complain about the nagging pain in the neck. After all, we spend hours in front of the computer and TV

Neck pain is caused by the tension in the muscles around the cervical region. This tension often prevents normal functioning. It is also the result of poor posture when performing various activities.

Fortunately, there are several ways you can avoid and also ease the pain. In this article, we will also present exercises to strengthen these muscles and some tips that will prevent contractures and tearing of the muscles around the neck.

Neck pain – what exactly is it and why does it occur?

The most common cause of cervical ailments is prolonged muscle tension and contracture  caused by, for example, incorrect positioning during sleep, spending many hours in the same position at the desk, too high and too low placement of the computer monitor.

Injury from a movement called “whip lash” can occur in any physical activity. It comes to him when the head is limp backward and then forward.

Other causes of neck pain can include fibromyalgia, inflammation of the neck joint, damage to the cervical disc, or small ruptures due to osteoporosis.

If your neck pain is accompanied by other complaints such as fever, headache and neck pain and stiffness, see your doctor immediately as it may be meningitis.

What to do if your neck pain is caused by muscle tension?

Have you already got neck pain? Then find out what you can do:

  • Take a pain reliever such as ibuprom.
  • For the first two days , apply ice to the sore spot , and then apply warm compresses.
  • Do some range of motion exercises you can do: tilt your head left, right, up and down, then try to bring your ear closer to your shoulder. These exercises help to relax and gently stretch the overloaded muscles.
  • If you do not get the desired relief, you can visit a physiotherapist who will ease the contractions through massage.
  • A consultation with your doctor will provide you with stronger painkillers, muscle relaxants and a neck brace if necessary.
neck pain from sitting in front of a computer

How to avoid tension in the cervical region?

  • Use relaxation techniques and exercises to relieve stress and relax muscles. Yoga or meditation may be appropriate.
  • Do exercises to stretch your cervical muscles.
  • Make sure you are in a good position while working or in front of the computer. Your back should be straight and well supported, and the monitor should be at eye level.
  • Don’t stay too many hours in the same position. Take a few minutes’ break once an hour and leave your desk. Change positions, do neck stretches, and relax before returning to work.
  • Make sure the pillow you are sleeping on properly fits the shape of your neck. The mattress should also be firm enough so that your body does not sink into it.

Pain in the neck and nape caused by muscle tension is a very common reason for visiting a doctor and the cause of unwanted absences from work. As you can see, thanks to these few simple tips you will avoid similar ailments, and when they do occur, you will know how to quickly improve your condition.

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