The Risk Of Osteoporosis – Nutritional Advice For Patients

In addition to possible genetic predispositions, the risk of developing osteoporosis may be increased by certain behaviors, such as alcohol or tobacco consumption, and by eating an unbalanced diet.
The risk of osteoporosis - nutritional advice for patients

Overall, all people are at risk of developing bone problems. However, there are factors that play a decisive role and greatly increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Therefore, this time we will offer some tips for some essential nutritional changes. It is really worth introducing them to reduce the risk of this disease, which weakens your bones and your entire body.

Bones and osteoporosis

Our bones are living tissues that undergo frequent and regular regeneration.  This means that new cells replace old cells, which guarantees their good health and therefore good bone function.

However, this process can be interrupted or violated. Then we face a situation where, due to the lack of regeneration, the bones become too weak and thin.

Bones - risk of osteoporosis

In this case, we become more prone to fractures. This bone condition becomes osteoporosis.

Factors increasing the risk of osteoporosis

There are several factors that increase the risk of osteoporosis. Some can be considered as beyond our control and are therefore unmodifiable. This is the case with advanced age and with genetic factors if there has been a family history of osteoporosis. The same is also true for menopause and congenital weak bone structure.

On the other hand, there are risk factors that are modifiable and related to our lifestyle. This group includes, for example, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.

Certain health disorders are also among the modifiable risk factors. This could be, for example, lack of menstruation, lack of calcium or vitamin D, and too low body weight.

All these disorders can be treated pharmacologically. Appropriate treatment will consequently reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Prevention – how to reduce the risk of osteoporosis

However, all those at risk of osteoporosis should do everything possible to avoid modifiable risk factors. And what are those people who are already subject to unmodifiable factors and cannot change them to do? They should make greater efforts not to add new elements of risk.

This is especially true of people who have a family history of osteoporosis. But it is also about people, mostly elderly women, or those going through the menopause. They are already largely at risk of osteoporosis, and there is really nothing that can be done about them.

Therefore, it is recommended not to introduce additional factors that depend only on lifestyle and habits. First of all, it is about smoking or drinking excessively.

On the other hand, modifiable conditions that can increase the likelihood of developing the disease should be treated in a timely manner.

Means recommended against osteoporosis

Here are the main dietary changes that should be applied to reduce the risk of osteoporosis:

  • Eat the right amount of protein. Proteins are the substances responsible for nourishing our tissues. A low-protein diet means a lack of regeneration of body tissues, including bones.
  • Eat foods with vitamin D. The main foods that contain vitamin D include fish oil, tuna, salmon, sardines, dairy products, egg yolks, avocados and mushrooms.
  • Eat foods that contain a lot of calcium. Foods high in calcium are, of course, dairy and dairy products. However, we can also obtain this mineral by consuming sardines, sesame, kiwi, almonds, cabbage and dried figs.
  • Avoid excess fiber. While fiber is a highly recommended compound for many diseases, this is not the case with osteoporosis. Fiber can be counterproductive in this condition. Fiber has a significant effect on the functioning of the intestines, and thus can reduce the absorption of calcium.

Other recommendations

  • Reduce your salt consumption.
  • Control your bad habits. If you are a smoker, try to cure this addiction. Smoking cigarettes increases your risk of developing osteoporosis, and also causes a number of other disorders that harm your health.
  • The same is true for people who consume a lot of alcohol.
  • If you are overweight or underweight, contact a dietitian who will provide you with an appropriate diet.
  • If you suffer from amenorrhea, seek an effective treatment with the help of medical specialists as soon as possible.
  • If you are deficient in calcium or vitamin D, be sure to consult a dietitian. He can give you excellent tips on what you should do to determine if this deficit is caused by insufficient consumption or if there are any internal factors.
  • Don’t forget to exercise, such as walking for 30 minutes a day.
The risk of osteoporosis

Whatever your case may be, the advice of a specialist can help you overcome those conditions that increase your risk of osteoporosis. Remember that your health and quality of life are topics that should never be taken lightly.

Are you currently suffering from osteoporosis? We recommend that you never skip periodic medical examinations. In addition, try to introduce new healthy habits in your life and eliminate those that are unfavorable, such as smoking or drinking alcohol. By following these simple tips, you can bear your condition much better.

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