Fruits For Constipation – Top 6

Plums are a traditional remedy for constipation. They are rich in vitamins and fiber. In addition, they have a laxative effect by stimulating bowel movements.
Fruits for constipation - the best 6

o Constipation is not a pleasant ailment that we should not wish even our worst enemy. It is a terrible feeling that accompanies us day and night and prevents us from performing basic activities. Did you know there are fruits to fight constipation?

Today you will learn which  fruits are best for relieving this annoying ailment. Don’t miss this article!

Fruit and constipation: How? Why?

If we take into account the definition,  constipation is a difficult or infrequent (less than twice a week) defecation. In practice, this means that we cannot go to the bathroom when we want to. It has definitely happened to you more than once.

Of course, this is not normal and you have to fight it.

In addition, constipation affects more and more people. It is related to the current lifestyle and diet. This condition is especially common in developed countries.

Inability to defecate causes ailments such as:

  • First of all – a feeling of heaviness
  • Swelling
  • Headaches
  • Gases
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Anal lesions
  • Intestinal diverticulosis
  • Defecation pain

Moreover, constipation is mentioned when we go to the bathroom less than 3 times a week and when the shape and size of the stools are not normal. Constipation can be a temporary or chronic problem – it all depends on our lifestyle.

How to prevent and treat constipation

First of all, the diet – it depends on whether we defecate regularly. Nutrition changes should occur along with lifestyle changes. A few tips:

First, avoid processed foods!

Second – physical activity

Walking, running, swimming… These are just some examples. Don’t forget that constipation is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle.

olive oil

Remember! Eat yogurt

Probiotics and other healthy bacteria present in yoghurts improve gut motility.

Drink herbal infusions

Drink them in emergency situations. When constipation occurs suddenly.

Drink plenty of water

The fact that you read “2 to 3 liters of water a day” hundreds of times is not a whim, but a need of your body .

A high-fiber diet

Whole grains, seeds, legumes, fruits, and some vegetables are excellent sources of fiber.

Constipation in children

In turn, you should avoid the following products:

  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Carrot
  • Rice
  • Cheeses
  • Rolls and biscuits

What fruits are best for constipation?

As we mentioned before, getting the right amount of fiber is fundamental. Go shopping and stock up on the following fruits. In this way, you will not only fight constipation, but also provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

1. Kiwi

This little brown fruit is packed with fiber. Kiwi improves the functioning of the intestines, speeds up the metabolism and fights gas.

It works most effectively when eaten in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. If you do not like the taste of kiwi, prepare a juice with an orange.

2. Plums

Surely your grandmother told you to eat plums so that you could go to the bathroom. This method has always been known.

Another plus is that, both fresh and dried, they are a great source of fiber. The sugars they contain have a laxative effect. In addition, plums also protect the intestines.

3. Oranges

The citric acid present in oranges helps to dissolve food residues accumulated in the intestines. Simultaneously:

  • Eliminates excess fluid
  • Regulates the work of the intestines
  • Fights constipation

In addition, it is well known that oranges are one of the best sources of vitamin C. Drink the juice of fresh oranges every morning.

4. Pears

These fruits are also known to our grandmothers. They work great in constipation. First of all, pears are high in fiber, they contain pectins – substances that regulate intestinal movements and cleanse the body.

Nay! They strengthen the immune system and protect against hypertension.

5. Figs

The figs are certainly equally worthy of attention. They are not only delicious, but also nourish and heal. They are similarly fantastic in constipation. Figs have a laxative effect and support the work of the stomach, which is why they are a great remedy for acidity and heartburn.

6. Strawberries, blueberries …

Finally – our list could not be missing, of course. First of all – They are full of antioxidants and, moreover, their properties improve intestinal movements and metabolism.

Fresh strawberries, fruit

The best fruits are:

  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Berries
  • Cherries

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