Sea Water – What Are Its Advantages?

Sea water acts on the body both externally and internally. It works great with skin problems such as psoriasis and many other ailments.
Sea water - what are its advantages?

Many people go to beaches and seaside resorts in summer to relax, enjoy a moment of free time with their loved ones or commune with nature. However, probably no one wonders how sea water, both externally and internally, affects the human body.

In this article, you will learn about the benefits of seawater and how to use them!

Sea water as an object of research by scientists

Seawater has been used in China for over 4,000 years. Its use was pioneered by Emperor Fu-Shi, also known as the father of marine medicine. He recommended not only drinking seawater, but also consuming seaweed and sea salt in order to stay healthy.

Closer to our time, the French scientist Rene Quinton discovered that the components found in seawater are the same as in human cells, which makes its composition very similar to that of blood plasma.

He continued his research from 1910 to 1950 in the company of Dr. Jarricot, with whom they funded the “Dispensarios marinos”. Sea water was used there to treat a variety of ailments and diseases, including the thyroid gland, malnutrition and skin problems. They managed to save many people, including many children.

sea ​​water for treatment

Seawater was packaged and referred to as “seawater plasma”. Dispensarios marineros have also been established elsewhere in the world – Colombia, Argentina, Spain, Mexico, Uruguay and South Africa.

By drinking it three times a day, malnourished children will get rid of their problems and their health will improve significantly. It is also worth mentioning the project carried out in Barcelona, ​​where people addicted to alcohol and drugs are treated with sea water. The results of the therapy are very good.

Properties of sea water

In the first place, it should be mentioned that the composition of seawater differs from that of lakes and rivers (freshwater). We find zinc, iodine, potassium and elements in it. It is them that make this fluid extremely beneficial for the skin and the entire body.

Swimming in the sea effectively relaxes the muscles due to the iodine contained in it. It also promotes the recovery of fitness after all kinds of injuries. It is ideal for people who are recovering from surgery or rehabilitation.

People struggling with respiratory problems are often recommended to breathe the sea breeze and swim in the sea. Seawater helps the lungs to eliminate accumulated toxic substances. For this reason, in the case of troublesome cough and colds, seaside walks will be an ideal remedy.

Moreover, patients with rheumatic problems, such as arthritis or osteoarthritis, enjoy swimming in the sea. They reduce the feeling of pain that is a characteristic symptom of these diseases.

sea ​​water - walks

Sea water – effect on the body

Due to the magnesium content, sea water has a calming effect and eliminates anxiety. Spending a few days on the beach, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, has a healing effect on the body. This is especially recommended for people suffering from depression, stress, and neurosis, both in mild and advanced stages.

A walk on the beach, besides being an excellent exercise, is also a great way to clear your mind. It’s also a great time to chat with your partner or watch the sunset. Salt water washes the feet, and together with the sand it helps to exfoliate the dead epidermis.

People living close to the sea should go to the beaches at least once a week. In summer you can eat something delicious in the seaside cafe, and in winter you can breathe the sea breeze. If, on the other hand, you live far from the beach, don’t wait for your vacation! From time to time, organize a spontaneous outing for several days.

Sea water as medicine

Sea water is used to treat liver and kidney problems because it improves the regeneration process of cells damaged, for example, by cirrhosis. With this disease, fluids accumulate in the abdomen and the patient looks like a pregnant woman. Drinking seawater helps to reduce this symptom.

Going to the seaside or spending time on the beach regularly is also recommended for diseases such as psoriasis. This could be shore walking or simply inhaling sea air. It is also a way to sleep more peacefully.

Photos added courtesy of Parker Knight, Michael (aka Moik), Jere Keys, Diego David Garcia, Clarkston SKAMP

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