Garlic: Learn About Its Slimming Properties

If you’re hoping to lose a few extra pounds, be sure to read about garlic’s amazing slimming properties. They may surprise you!
Garlic: find out about its slimming properties

Garlic is an extremely popular and healthy product, and chefs from around the world cannot do without it when creating their recipes. In addition to its undeniable taste, garlic also has certain properties that will make you lose weight more easily.

It is an excellent choice for those who want not only to lose weight, but also to eat healthy. The countless health benefits of garlic are endless: from reducing stress levels to fighting bacterial infections.

Garlic and its healing properties

Natural medicine knows many medical uses of garlic. It acts as an antibiotic, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and regulates insulin. It can also be used to treat toxoplasmosis, heart problems, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, and diabetes complications.

garlic - bulbs and cloves

However, care should be taken as in large amounts it can be counterproductive, especially in people with blood clotting disorders, as it is a natural anticoagulant. Garlic can also cause stomach irritation.

Still, its healing properties are undeniable and very diverse. Here are some health problems where garlic can be of great help:

  • Intestinal infections
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Frostbites, warts and corns
  • Herpes
  • Stress and insomnia
  • Cerebrovascular accident and thrombosis
  • Gout
  • Fever
  • Edema
  • Anemia

Garlic: Raw or Cooked?

If you want to take advantage of the slimming properties of garlic, it will be effective both raw and cooked. When crushed, allicin is released, a substance known for its antibiotic, antioxidant and blood glucose lowering properties.

In turn, when cooked, it releases adenosine and ajoen. These organic compounds have an anticoagulant effect and can also help to control high cholesterol.

It also reduces the production of cortisol (commonly known as the “stress hormone”) and helps the blood to flow properly. These properties are fundamental to anyone trying to lose weight.

Scientific confirmation of the slimming properties of garlic

Patricio Lopez, director of research at the University of Santander and the Complutense University in Madrid, explains that the properties of garlic help protect the heart. Eating it is a good way to prevent diabetes, heart attacks and heart disease.

Lopez conducted a study entitled ” Aged Garlic Extract Increases Adiponectin Levels in People with Metabolic Syndrome .” 47 people were examined: women with a waist circumference of at least 80 cm and men with a waist of at least 90 cm.

For 4 months, one group consumed mature garlic and the other took a placebo. In the group consuming garlic, it was found:

  • Increased levels of the hormone adiponectin that protects the heart.
  • Much lower cholesterol.
  • Faster weight loss.

Garlic stimulates your metabolism

If you want to lose weight, garlic should be your best friend. First of all, it suppresses the appetite, prolongs the feeling of fullness and prevents overeating.

Additionally, and perhaps above all, garlic is also responsible for speeding up metabolism. How? Eating it causes your nervous system to produce more adrenaline. As a result, your body will burn more calories, which will significantly affect your weight loss.

Tips for using garlic for weight loss purposes

If you want to lose weight effectively, combine 1 teaspoon of olive oil with 1 crushed, raw garlic clove. Consume this concoction every morning, at least half an hour before breakfast.

Another option:

Mix 1 crushed, raw garlic clove with 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 cup of hot water. If you drink this mixture every day between main meals, you will quickly see changes in your body.

You already know that garlic is a powerful and effective means of healthy weight loss, but consuming it regularly will have many more benefits for your health.

Garlic and olive oil on a spoon

However, remember that garlic is not a panacea. If you want to achieve consistent results, its consumption must be combined with a balanced diet and regular physical activity. If in doubt, you can seek advice from a dietitian or other expert.

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